Thanksgiving cases due to show up in a week. Sharp rebound incoming?

in #covid3 years ago


We've seen a lull in new COVID case reporting, it's unclear how much of it is real and how much is an artifact of slower reporting (and reduced test volume) over the holiday.

Wednesday night this week should give us our first solid read. If it's a mirage, expect a sharp rebound as we catch up, then a continuation of whatever the real trend is.

Prior to the holiday, case counts had leveled or started declining in most of the worst-hit midwest states and some of the western states, while the rest of the country was still rising.

New cases as a result of Thanksgiving visits should start showing up early next week, with a clear picture by late next week. I personally am not expecting much of a bump there, the Thanksgiving activity seems to have been on a much smaller scale than the ongoing bar/restaurant/church/gym activity in most states.

Deaths will continue to rise for at least another week, the current downturn is definitely an artifact. Above chart shows deaths plotted vs. 3-week-lagged cases and adjusted for our 1.7% CFR. I'd expect them to rise at least another 30% even if our cases have peaked.