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RE: Quarantine Diaries: Day 365

in #covid3 years ago

I am all for being overcautious and enduring personal discomfort in the effort to save 1 life. Worth it in my book.

I also shudder at where we would be if we were not over-careful for the last year.

That being said, lockdowns and printing fiat should not be the primary tactic to battle the spread. Just sucks that overpopulated areas experiencing the increased infections are triggering measures in outlying areas who are doing a good job. The restaurateurs just got up off the canvas and were getting back into the fight with new staff, inventory, and a way to be in business again only to be knocked to the canvas again.

CMon summer!


Yes summer ... but @zekepickleman, but PCR abuse has made this far worse for everyone. The last year has not resulted in saved or extended lives. That needs to be recoginized.

But wishing you well.