

"you're demonstrating your commitment to the public health effort if you all wear masks."

They are health theater, a way to demonstrate your blind obedience. How did you find a doctor to write you a note?

Well I didn't find one per se @funbobby51 , I booked a telehealth appointment with my regular doctor's surgery / General Practice which i've been seeing since i've lived in the local area.

They had over 3-4 years of my medical history on their patient records and although there wasn't anything in there too extreme that would exempt me immediately (such as a chronic lung condition) there was enough prior medical history for me to substantiate very easily why I required an exemption.

Put it this way: wearing a face mask is bad for your health. If you are in a state or frame of mind which a fact like that will really weigh on you, then being forced to put one on is causing harm to your health mentally (and physically).

Here is a hypothetical situation: what would a doctor do if you said you will commit suicide or stop breathing if you were forced to wear a face mask. Would they be compelled to exempt you? Would they use their better judgment and medical know-how to diagnose you with whatever it takes to preserve your life?

I have a sticker that I got from the zoo and made copies of and no one ever questions it when I wear it.

From the zoo? What does it say?
"Do not feed the wild animals"

It says "Health risk- unable to wear mask" and has a heart on it. No one ever questions the sticker, if someone says something to me about a mask I just point to it and they apologize.

I recommend you listen to this. the good Dr rattles off all the symptoms and illnesses that are known which can be caused by face mask usage.

He also lists those with pre-existing conditions or illnesses that makes compulsory face masks even more harmful (was surprised at a few listed such as bipolar, schizophrenia, manic depression and the like)

I know all about them, finding a doctor who is willing to actually write a note for not wearing a mask is a different story. Allergies are on there as are mental disorders.

“But you're demonstrating your commitment to the public health effort if you all wear masks.

Commitment to acquiescence - a public show - a meaningless facade - virtue signaling - but common sense? No.

Thanks for sharing. It's so important we acknowledge the contradictions in the media which are muddies information, increasing the cognitive effort required to understand what is really going. As a result people don't put in the effort to divide the truth and end up simply obeying.

No people! Don't obey! Stand up for your rights. Make your own rational decisions and use - as these articles dictate - common sense.

Stop censorship - stand for change!

Great song by the way! lol

A very clear message from a highly censored and criticized doctor:

Dr Roger Hodkinson interviewed by Anna Brees -
Masks don't work
Lock-downs don't work
None of it works because the genie is out of the bottle

I found this interview with Dr Russell Blaylock (Neurosurgeon) to be extremely helpful & direct on the topic of how dangerous face masks can be.

I learnt this year what the groundwork for global communism aka Communitarianism hinges upon for its leveraging of humanity: Collectivism. There is no forest without the singular unit that makes up a forest (a tree). Without a tree being bestowed the same inherent rights as many trees, there is no strength in being part of a forest.

The endless intonation of public health as being the ultimate consideration of any individual's actions is sickening to the core. I am but a tree being forced into the forest;

  • not for strength in numbers
  • not for protection or to be with my own kind
  • but to be stripped of my own autonomy & inherent rights
  • but to be torn away from the protection of self at natural law

The tree is a resource to be planned for from birth til death; planted in rows, plotted to grow inside designated forestry zones and eventually to be milled into timber at any given moment.

So to be more plain: there is no right for the individual to abstain, doubt, express skepticism or refuse when the collective with it's eggshell-fragile veneer of public health subsumes everything the individual once had.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to experience Joy when the autonomy I once had is being beseiged each time I step out the front door of my residential tenancy prison cell.

There's gotta be a way to take such blatant disregard for journalistic standards further... Haven't we all been told that fake news is the new pandemic and a threat to our safety and sanity?

I'll think about it some more when I'm not so hollowed out. Glad you liked the song :-)

Confusing the sheeple with endlessly changing bullshit is a key part of the psyop

Indeed it is and I'm not surprised by this being the main modus operandi, infact it's what almost drove me mad in the early days of the #covid19 #plandemic

Still it's fucking shocking as to how blatantly the Liespeakers with their #msm delivered A-Grade Bullshit are able to flip-flop about like a drowning fish in less than 24 hours. From one lie and contradiction to another.

Something will be done about this. It's beyond reprehensible..