The TRUTH Shall Set Us Free? I Don't Think So.

in #covid193 years ago

When we look at all the noise around us in the Mainstream Media ("MSM") that has been thrown our way in ref to the various topics hitting our screens in every single home, it is very interesting to state the following undeniable FACT:

Documents available to the public (to anyone who asks for them) are available in The USA.

Some such documents are those in ref. to Patents.

So I do not know (maybe "understand") WHY NONE of the MSM relayed any of this PUBLIC INFORMATION.


Unfortunately for those who are motivated by money and greed their attempts to ensure sole rights to making money via poisoning people with various cocktails of drugs that are not only "addictive" but out right a dependency after the first dose is injected into a Human Body.

Further more, ALL of this is available to the public. Just in case I didn't make this "clear" earlier.

Unfortunately for those people and companies or "Government Bodies" all involved IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES, not one single country alone, PATENTS ARE PUBLIC DOCUMENTS.

I do not yet know if there are any in Australia, if or when such information is 100% trustworthy and available to the public, I will do my best to link the relevant information here.


Well, I won't hold back, here it is:

Read more:

Dr. David E. Martin | Sitzung 60: Die Zeit ist kein flacher Kreis

Im Gespräch mit Dr. David E. Martin (Vorsitzender von M-CAM International)

Der Corona Ausschuss wurde von vier RechtsanwältInnen gegründet. Er führt eine Beweisaufnahme zur Corona-Krise und den Maßna...


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