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RE: Murder By Injection and "Transitory Hyperinflation" is our New Normal

Max didn't say to not use crypto at all but he did say that by 2025 he expects internet usage to be extremely restricted by then and without internet he says crypto is of no value.


That's a good point. Max is absolutely correct about that part, and imo he is slowly starting to come around to various cryptos and realizing now that there are centralized government/corporate coins, and there are coins created by us agorist decentralists and the like.

I was so happy to hear Jeff mention meshnets today and even HAM radio of which I also use. Some ISP's may provide bridges into our mesh, but many will not and those last-mile operators will be faced with a choice... Earn some real crypto, open the gates and grow, or obey their bankrupt gov and die a painful death. Get a mesh going in your area, it's another great investment imo. If my app can't access a node (wss, https, ipfs, matrix, activitypub, etc) then everything we are building right now will come to a standstill.

I believe that's the whole point of all the new projects that are starting with the decentralisation of the NET, they won't be able to stop that unless they stop everything. We will find ways to keep using crypto or create new ways until we are able to hang them all for their atrocities.