It's Safer to Send Bitcoin #QuarantineLife

in Original MEMEs4 years ago (edited)


Unfortunate, but true.

It's now far safer to send #Bitcoin or #HIVE than to (hand) someone fiat money. Yet, another benefit of using cryptocurrencies in dystopia.

It's also now more important than ever to go out and onboard as many people as possible to HIVE and the entire crypto space. Introduce them to Bitcoin. Governments are printing fiat like never before, everyone needs to secure their piece (however small) of 'digital gold' cause no one knows what the future holds.

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However, we can send crypto, earn crypto, secure our digital footprints from within isolation. We can use mobiles to scan QR codes from the required distances. We can have virtual parties on Zoom and tip the DJs. We can gamble together. We can vote together. We can seven send a virtual BEER and share our online gaming experiences. And so much more.

We can do so much with Blockchain, than prior generations ever can. I didn't plan for this to be a philosophical post, or financial advice. Just wanted to share another random meme, then realised it's no longer 1929 and there's a small chance...

Cryptocurrency may help save the world, after-all.

Stay safe out there!




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