An analogy about HIVE, moving to a new house always needs improvement



An analogy about HIVE, moving to a new house always needs improvement

Hello Hivean
home is a place to live. From home we depart. we returned to the house. Home allows us to do many things with dignity. In our daily life we can produce a lot of works. At that house we will also collect assets. The house can be a social event. We can invite guests to visit and share with each other. basically the house is the best choice for everything. that's why there are wise words that we deserve to follow. my home is my paradise
However, often when we just move into a new home, there are many things we have to fix. Clean up everything about our new place, choose what plants will beautify the house, paint to look better and more. we also need to get to know new neighbors and maintain communication with neighbors in our old homes. Who knew they could also be neighbors in a new place. Kit also knows that when we enter a new house we might feel less familiar. When we are in our old house we are so close that we feel comfortable.

Hive analogy

I analogize Hive as home. I feel the blockchain that we follow can become a new home after moving from the old blockchain. When we enter HIVE we need to make improvements so that HIVE can become a comfortable place to live for us.

1. Change profile
Some friends have changed their profile image. Of course this is intended as a refresher. Although I do not recommend if you do, hopefully it can have a good influence. The new profile is expected to pump enthusiasm in HIVE.

2. Introducing yourself in the surrounding environment
When you first enter Hive, it would be better if we introduce ourselves. Like when entering the house we need to knock on the door. When the old house welcomes of course we will be more polite to introduce ourselves. Especially in Hive there are also good initiatives from @blocktrades and @ocdb to provide support for Hivean who made posts about introducing themselves. If you are interested in making a post about the introduction it is better to read the following post from @anomadsoul.
Challenge! - My Introduction to the Hive Community

3. Maintain good relations.
When moving to Hive, of course we feel that there is something we haven't found as our presence on the old blockchain. I myself feel that we still have something to adjust. Especially when we post and the rewards we get are still small. Of course this becomes our motivation to continue to be enthusiastic. We must realize that in a new place we still need a lot of support. One of the things we do to get it is to maintain good relations with other Hivean. It could be that our whereabouts at Hive are still unknown. We need to disable other posts and give our imprints in the form of upvotes or comments so they know we have moved to HIVE.
If this is done intensively they will surely provide support to us so that our presence in HIVE will be more comfortable.

4. Don't stop working
When moving to Hive we must not relax our spirits. We must be optimistic that the Hive will become the right habitat and grow into a good ecosystem for us all. Working to produce something that is valuable and consistent is the key to achieving a better future in HIVE.

Thus all my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.