Living a Life of Intentional Creation: thoughts, musings, and a challenge for the future

in #creative7 years ago (edited)

What is an intentional creator?

An intentional creator makes a choice to utilize conscious effort, even when inspiration isn't striking, to regularly create and contribute artistically without ceasing.

Motivation and and intention are two traits I do not see enough of within the local and amateur creative (art, music, writing, theatre) scenes. Maybe it's a millennial thing--maybe it's an artist thing--but sometimes it seems as if we are all just waiting around--whether it be for inspiration or discovery or continued education to grow in our art--we spend way too much time waiting and not enough time actually literally going to actively turn our ambitions into reality. Waiting ultimately gets us nowhere doesn't it?

Get off your ass and go make something cool!


When I was in college, it was so easy to be perpetually writing, creating, and otherwise artistically innovating. I mean, hell, I had assignments that required me to do so. However, I noticed upon graduation that adult creators have to actually make time to make art. We have to consciously and intentionally make it a regular priority. If we don't use it, we will lose it.

Now, maybe we won't lose it completely, but I can personally attest from both musical and a separate writing hiatus--your chops dull out if you aren't exercising them normally.

Choosing not to make your passion a priority gets easier every time. RESIST.

Shouldn't we be striving on the daily to become better?

If you answered yes, like I did, I encourage you to jump on this personal challenge for 2017 to be more:

CREATING many reading this are content creators of some fashion--this applies to most of us.

The more time we spend consciously creating, as well as prioritizing that consciousness, the better the Steemit platform will be as a result--not to mention how much it will enrich our own time and interactions on Steemit.

Steemit has been great to present a media cycle that has a quick reset/turnaround, and my content creation has increased exponentially since I first joined. Steemit helps keep us on our toes and accountable to regular post creation.

The process is the gift.

I encourage the creators here to take the same internal pledge to increase your awareness of the time you set aside for creation, and that you begin to extend that concept of intentional living to your art and creative endeavors.

I will be right here with you.

In 2017, I will write through writer's block.

What will you do?

Whatever it is, do it

If you love it, RESTEEM it!

Image Sources:
1, 2

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!

Support Steemian-Original Music by tagging YOUR tunes with # originalmusic
I even blogged about it.

Click here to read my Steemit intro to learn more about what I'm all about.


ALL proceeds from my Steemit account go toward furthering my dreams of being a full time artist and creator. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me get there. All of my love and thanks to you.💚

All photos, unless otherwise credited, are taken or edited/altered by me and are all hosted at Imgur.

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I am definitely going to try to get my mojo back, photography-wise :D

Don't wait for that mojo--go grab it back through conscious effort devoted to your passion!! We can do this!!

I will definitely go do that!.. once I got the time in two months :D
Thanks for you reply!

Very good points. I think people often lose focus (no pun intended) and just stop.

Please retweet:

I think artists, by nature, lose focus easily. Once we start making the decision to put it on the back burner, it all too often stays there.

We have to hold each other accountable. When I was feeling artistically lazy, I got up and made something cool and it felt so good that it stayed on my mind and I had to write something up about it. We are really a community here, and I know if I'm having those feelings I'm not the only one.

The success of the platform also depends in a large part on the quality of our content, so the more we stay on our toes, the better it has to be for everyone.

Thank you for uour feedback, @thecryptofiend. Means a lot that you took a second to check it out and comment. Thank you for all you do.

You're welcome. Great post:)

Your post is really inspiring me, Jessamy! Thanks for sharing.
Upvoted & Followed.

I am so glad. I can't imagine how awesome our world would be if everyone would just make the time for their creative passions.