The ink well creative-nonfiction prompt # 10: New year

This is my entry to @theinkwell creative nonfiction #10

Image from unsplash by Moritz Knöringer

We have about five days to enter into the new year 2023. The new year is arriving so soon while I am wrapping down the old year into past experience turning them into memories.

Describe one or more of your New Year's resolutions. Why did you choose them? What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?

People say the only way to "predict the future is to plan it". To make the new year a better season than the last one i spent, i have to plan it with determination.

Thinking about new year resolutions a lot of things come straight down into my mind. The year 2023 which is the new year for this moment is the season when i will be writing my first living certificate exams and i have to be prepared.

One of my resolutions for the upcoming year is for me to perform excellently well in my exams. I believe with the grace of God and me adapting the ability of reading, studying hard will grant me success.

Choosing to achieve success in my exams is something that makes me qualify for the next step. I have no other choice than to choose the better option which is achieving success and when I achieve success at my exams that seemingly means I am qualified for reaching the next steps, moving forward is something important in human lives which everyone must work on.

Focusing on my musical career has been making me feel worried. It is not a good idea for an individual to be blessed with talent and not making good use of it, it doesn't make sense at all. I will be attempting my best to drop a song next year, i believe spending time on studios getting familiar with the studio thing will make my dreams of my musical career come to reality.

Progress is something everyone wishes for and wants in all their endeavors. Looking back to my foundation let me understand that there are bad habits in me which I need to leave in order to make progress next year. Laziness is one of the bad habits i need to get off from, it been the attitude that makes me lack behind, come to think about it, there are times in life people have to work and time people have to play once and individual play when he is supposed to work he or she has surely go wrong.

Write about a life-altering experience in the past few years and how that experience affects your outlook and your hopes for the new year ?.

Looking back on the past few years, life-altering experiences have hardly dropped on me. I realized there is no fun in moving with the bad guys. Taking note of this made a 14 year old boy like me make a life-altering decision in less than a seconds. Thinking about the life-altering decision gave me a clear insights that only the best is good enough, hopes are built on my nerves which calms me down that the new year will be a better one for me if only am ready to apply on the life-altering experiences i had in the few past years.

Describe your New Year's Eve traditions. Describe a particular memory at one of these events, and how it impacted your approach to the holiday ?.

New year Eve tradition in my country Nigeria, mostly for the christian we spent time worshiping in the church. For young ones like me we often go house-to-house wishing everyone a good and happy new year. Eating together and playing together are funny things we sometimes do with our parents whenever we are at the new year eve tradition we use to jump into the new year, how do we do that ? We stand on our chairs and leap into January at midnight claiming we have brought good tidings and barn bad spirits. I enjoy doing that even though I don't believe in it because it's fun to see your friends leaping on chairs at midnight on New Year's Eve.

Searching down my mind to remember a memory that stuck to impact my approach to holiday at the new year eve celebration brought about a memory of gift giving, when i went to celebrate the new year eve with my parents with our families and friends. We all went to a church where we exchanged gifts as a result of celebrating the new year eve. I received a promise card book which made my holiday busy running from one person to another showing them the promise card that made me receive a lot of gifts and presents on my holiday.


Thanks so much for reading

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Jumping off a chair at midnight has a wonderful symbolism, I think I will try it myself this year!

It is good that you are studying hard, and have your eyes set on your goals in the new year 😁

I hope it is a year filled with happy things for you !PIZZA

Thanks so much Miss

This is a great plan ahead of the upcoming year and I like how you arranged it orderly. Passing your exam should be the major priority which you have done, the others can follow up.

I wish you success in all your endeavours and the Lord will help you to achieve your goals.
Stay blessed!!

Thanks so much actordontee wish you all the best too

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You have a well thought-out plans for 2023. I wish you best of luck as you strive to achieve them.

Thanks so much for ya contribution lightpen


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@grindan(1/10) tipped @officialrosh1 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

I loved your story especially in the gift exchange you received a book of pledge cards that made your vacation busy. Have a happy evening and a happy new year.

Same and happy new year in addy 😁