Sigil Meditation Exercise

in #creativity7 years ago

Before I begin, let me first clarify that I am not religious, but I am often fascinated with personal rituals. One particular ritual I was recently introduced to was sigil creation. You think of a word describing one thing you want to attune in your life. I chose self-betterment. Then, a second word within that realm of concentration, giving a deeper level of focus. My second word is prioritization. Then, a third word, even more defined, to help bring even more attuned guidance. My third and final word is completion.

Once words have been chosen, repeat letters are removed to simplify the process. After doing so, my letters are selfbtrmnpiozac. You can choose at this point to put them in an order you desire. I chose to leave them as they were sequenced. Next, I chose a 7 pointed star for the planets, and a 5 pointed star for the elements. This also split the vowels and consonants nicely, giving 3 consonants for each of the 7 points, and 1 vowel for each of the 5 points. I laid out the 5 pointed star on top of the 7 pointed star in this way:


Laying out the guidance dots yielded the following grid:


Then I plotted the letters in a clockwise fashion, mapping the vowels to the 5 pointed star and the consonants to the 7 pointed star as follows:


As can be clearly seen, the image is beginning to become complicated. I removed the stars and mapped the lines in sequential letter order, like this:


Removing the unused circles and all of the letters, leaving just the used circles and lines, the sigil began to take on a more simple shape:


Finally, removing the dots, the sigil reaches its simplest form, and becomes a symbol for meditation:


The way my mind interprets this is striking. I see someone moving, someone taking action. They are only standing and walking, but reaching out for what they want. That reminds me of something I heard when I was younger. A story of two farmers who prayed for rain to help water their crops, but only one farmer went and planted his field. It's an illustration of the idea of asking whatever higher power you believe in to help provide something for you, and then taking action to help make that goal happen.

To me, a sigil such as this serves the same purpose as affirmations, or meditation, or any other repeated ritual undertaken by a human being. It is used to help the mind focus on bringing something to fruition. A way to remind oneself of approaching life in a way to make the desire outcome become a reality. If this inspires you, feel free to make your own. Just make sure to put an @atomramble in the post as an inspiration. The original ritual concept was shown to me by @rumdancer.


Follow me on Steemit @atomramble

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Twitter: atom_ramble


I'm very sorry I'm late. I didn't miss you though and I've taken time to read this twice. I think I have a handle on it and the more important undertones but alas my time is gone again. Please keep sending your posts and if you get five minutes send me a dm. I am just so flat out but I enjoy our discussions. I'm steampunking this weekend. Find your peace, use your focus and sow that crop.
Thanks for a calming read on a busy day. ~ Mr Dingo

No need to apologize, good Sir. The symbolism of this piece is what you make it. From an existentialist standpoint, it could mean anything. That can be applied to anything though. My posts have been fewer as well, with things gearing up for school again. Education costs way too much. The discussions you and I have are always a highlight, and I hope they continue as we support each other in our Steemit endeavors. I am glad you're doing your passion this weekend. It's always good to have something you can attach to and excel in. Sowing the crop is just part of it, the cultivation is the next step. I suppose that is what college is about. I am glad to bring you peace in the rush of life. Be safe, be well, and become yourself. ~The Obeast~

Great Post! You explained this concept very well. The image at the end is striking! I agree with your assessment, it feels like there's multiple points of movement.

So Cool!

Thank you! I've never done anything like it before, and I thought it would be fun to try out. :)

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