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RE: Marjorie and the Right Church, Wrong Pew

in #creativity4 years ago

I've observed a few churches across a few denominations over the years. Some are more 'traditional' than others. The church I was raised in was entirely German speakers that had migrated from Russia before the Revolution there. They essentially went to the same place EVERY SUNDAY. It wasn't about 'pay for', it had something to do with clans that I never quite figured out.

I married into the Episcopal Church, and they seemed to have preferences but no big stake in where they sat. Extended families tended to sit together. My MIL (and hence the rest of the extended family) sat together but she was always on the outside seat in the outside aisle. There was a reason for that: She was an ordained lay person that helped with the sacrament and had to be able to get in and out.

I spent 10 years or so in a Presbyterian Church that had some of the (mostly older) parishioners that sat in 'their' place. There were two services per Sunday in that church and there would always be conflicts on the couple times per year that they had joint services. It was pretty funny how deep habits could run.

Which has utterly nothing to do with the post you wrote except for some pleasant memories on my part. Thank you for indulging them.