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RE: Capital Generates Creativity

in #creativity4 years ago

I’m with you on that one if more people had their creativity realized in the real world who knpws what sorts of gadgets, improvements and advancements we would have and now we have a select few people thinking for the rest of the world

Competition starts with competition for ideas the more ideas in the pot the more options to choose from the better decision we as a society make as we have more abundance to choose from

I do hope crypto does help people find their ideas more than what we have been doing In the past! I’m sure there are plenty of good ideas sitting on the shelf jusy waiting for someone to believe in it


There is nothing better than a good idea put into action! We need people who are willing to fight for their ideas. Everything we have around us is because someone thought of it. An idea...

Exactly and I am pretty sure there were people who told them it was a dumb idea and now look today, so in hindsight, you have everything to gain and very little to lose. If you don't care what others think and feel an idea is worthwhile you should be rewarded if you see it through