Unrest in Mako Brimob Prison

in #crime6 years ago

Unrest in Mako Brimob Prison
5 New Facts About Riot in Rutan Mako Brimob, from Cause to Self-Inmate
Thursday, May 10, 2018
5 New Facts About Riot in Rutan Mako Brimob, from Cause to Self-Inmate.
The community was overwhelmed by the riot at Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, on Tuesday (8/5/2018) night until Wednesday (9/5/2018) early morning yesterday.

This can be proved by the inclusion of the word 'Mako Brimob' in the list of Google search engine trending.

I was so viral, many photos and videos allegedly depicting riots in Two Kelo Brimob Coconut at that time.

Investigate a calibaration, this incident has killed five members of the police and one man convicted.

One person from the police was even hostage by terrorist prisoners in Mako Brimob.