I might not die of hunger after all. lol

in #croatia4 years ago (edited)


Ive been busy the last few days since the tourist season is starting for me.

Had to prepare the apartments and everything but mostly its been a fight to get the apartments booked. Some estimates are that the tourist season will perform at 40% of last years results.

Im at about 65%-70% atm with some dates still open in august. Its not ideal but i should be fine. I was a bit in panic mode last few weeks since the bookings were scarce.

I just hope no one brings COVID to my apartments or ill be fucked. At full capacity i can take 30 people. All you need is one sick to end up in the news here with journalist dipshits just waiting to pile up on you with hate.
Especially when youre a property owner and rent apartments. They hate us because we can live comfortably the whole year by only having to work 2 months. 😂


Good luck 😉

so i will wait august for last minute :D

Di ces ti ovo lito?

kako nas je vlada sjebala s ovim izborima dok su se pravili da korone nema, mozda i nigde :D (trenutno je po zvanicnim podacima gore nego u martu kad smo bili zakljucani po 4 dana) ne planiram nista, pa ako ispadne nesto u augustu ili septembru super.

A jbg. A čujem da je zajebano stanje u Srbiji.
A drzi se možda osmi bude bolji

Disinfect with a flamethrower.

The stuff around the house or the guests?

Good luck with that man. Hopefully you stay COVID free. Sure you don't need extra hands? You can employ me and I'll be running over there in a jiffy.

lol. Ill keep you in mind if i ever build another one of these.

just don't let them be tested with those bad tests.. :D

Good luck.. and try to screen people if you have to..