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RE: πŸ”΄ THE SECOND STEEMIT COLLABORATIVE VIDEO: SPREAD LOVE for Christmas and New Year is finally UP!! πŸŽ₯

in #crowdsourced β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

You my friend are a very special individual. What you have done here has a power beyond the confines of this platform.

Thank you so much for your efforts and I will do my best now to promote this far and wide so that others may join us here and change their lives forever!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)

Here's to the ongoing rise of STEEMIT & awesome projects like this one πŸŽ‰

Screen Shot 2017-12-21 at 07.34.43.png

See if you can guess which coin I am banking on for 2018 ;)

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Can not agree more; this shows us the way forward to replace media as we know it today.