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RE: Pi network

in #crupto2 years ago

We'll see about that when it's getting a real use case. I'm mining Pi too for a while already but I still need people in my security circle. If you want you can add me. It goes by telephone number if I'm not mistaken. You can use +32 602003817. !LUV


I don't understand what you are saying.. do you have telegram?

Would you understand it in Telegram better than here?
Didn't you say that you were Mining Pi? and you don't know about security Circles? Strange...

yes i am new to pi ..what security cycles are you telling me?? can you explain to me??

Actually Google helps a lot here...
I found an old article telling: The security circle is how Pi Network will validate and authenticate transactions once it reaches mainnet. Ideally, the people in it are only the people you trust. Subsequently, everyone in your circle also has their own circle of people they trust. So the chain continues. This chain of social circles makes up the “Network” that is Pi Network.
And more info you can find [here in this Pimentwork link]
Basically it's about mining quicker and more...