
This is but a good news and hope for the future . Welcome to the future my friend, and in this future crypto is the heart beat

Still no details on how this works yet but I think maybe more bloatware

Whoa that's awesome. Definitely a good sign of mass adoption coming. Samsung is a huge company too. I'm sure others would get on board to stay relevant and to compete.

Posted using Partiko Android

I really hope so! I don't have as big of a stake as you do, but it would still be nice to see the bulls run again. I guess it is only a matter of time. That is pretty cool that Samsung is looking at implementing this. It is yet another reason that smartphones have become such all-in-one devices.

Do you have any idea, how it is going to work?

Probably like any other crypto wallet on a mobile app, except the keys are stored in the device itself...

I distaste those apps, once you lost your phone it is always difficult to get the wallet back, I hope it wont be like them.

I’d imagine it’d be like either Jaxx or a Ledger device, where there is a seed phrase you can use as a backup...

It would not surprise me if they are participating in the mining game already.

Samsung actually nailed it with their recent announcments.
And this isn’t coming from an Apple user.