this tip is from a trusted friend , and may be a revolutionary new way to distribute and watch porn.
Because there to many hands in the pot , to make it more fair for the actors/ actrice and to preserve a high safe and honest way to watch porn while you get payed, and can upvote yourself . I honestly think this is a good investment but nothing is assured off course.
the crowd sale is now open for public , the public token sale is started , and if you think about it when did pornography ever did not pay off?
After the crowd sale every steem user from the snapshot of the blockchain from the end of december ( as explained on there website ) will get some VIT tokens .
and they work with a whole range of partners :
these are the team members behind the VIT tokens :
but do check out there white paper on there website and what the token stands for :
and go see there twitter account , you can win VIT tokens with a contest they offer.