Finally Back Online After a 3 Year Break

in #crypto3 years ago

Like the title states, I'm back to Hive after a way to long break.

I have been on a bit crypto slump the last three years, I have mainly been looking at my BTC and ETH grow that I got out of Steemit. I now have the time and energy for the effort to get back into it.

I have recently started trading smaller cap and new released coins and made some decent returns. Some of my biggest gainers peaked at 300% growth, this was mainly a lot of luck and not premeditation (so don't assume I know what I'm talking about).

My biggest gain was from CHR which I sold at 250% just after taking the screenshot. The trigger for this trade and some others on Binance was their Staking in coin mining.


Trading crypto, as everyone knows, is a dangerous game, it can go either way without warning. As I'm typing this I'm currently locked in a bad trade where I stand to lose a few dollars.


Just by reading the charts and not considering the Q2 coming up I shorted BTC at $55580 at 25x leverage and I'm currently sitting on a -86% loss. Needless to say I didn't really want to go to sleep last night knowing that it might reach the liquidation price in the night.

What I've found to work for me, as many others, is to trade with money I wouldn't mind losing or have already "lost" before I even invested it.

This is technically my first post on Hive, since it has popped up after I left Steemit three years ago. This post is originally from Steemit and I'm the author of this content.

Well lets see what the future holds and good luck with the trades!


Welcome back to HIVE. Three years ago HIVE was something else. So, technically I should say welcome to HIVE.

Hive Engine has started to become interesting although it is challenging to figure out which alt-coins are worth following.

HIVE seems to be doing well in the NFT world.

Here is the link to your Hive Engine Explorer page:

and I will raise a glass of wine to celebrate your return (this should show up in your HIVE engine wallet.


Congratulations, @vagabondspirit You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @chr7is.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24816.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE

Cool thanks I will have a look, it feels like I recognize your name from Steemit. Not sure if we spoke or if I just followed you..