Did the Biggest Breakthrough in Crypto Just Happen? With Xiaohui Liu


Looking back, it is easier to see when you were in the right place, at the right time.

But, why is it NOT so easy to see this in the moment, when the opportunity is most ripe?

Today, I share a very rare and extraordinary interview with cryptographer Xiaohui Liu on the beachfront of Sámara, Costa Rica.

With a background as a former research scientist for Facebook and a Ph.D. in computer science, Xiaohui has found his passion for building on the original Bitcoin design, Bitcoin SV (BSV).

During this trip to Costa Rica for the CambrianSV 2022 event, he unveiled the world’s first interactive course for programming Zero Knowledge Proofs on Bitcoin.

This has opened the door for privacy coins, like Pirate Chain (ARRR), and private smart contract platforms, like Dero (DERO) to be built on the largest PoW mining infrastructure in the world.

When I asked Xiaohui why he builds on BSV, he said, “I wish there has been a fundamental breakthrough since Satoshi’s design, but it’s just not obvious to me.”

This was one of those moments where I found myself in the right place, at the right time when the opportunity was most ripe.

As a valued email subscriber of The Crypto Vigilante, I hope this reaches you. This is BIG for the future of all forks of Bitcoin, privacy coins, and smart contract protocols.

Looking back, it is easier to see when you were in the right place at the right time.

But, why is it NOT so easy to see this in the moment, when the opportunity is most ripe?

Today, I share a very rare and extraordinary interview with cryptographer Xiaohui Liu on the beachfront of Sámara, Costa Rica.

One of the key debates among all forks of Bitcoin is not the 21 million supply cap but the size of each block mined.

He and I agreed when I said, “Bitcoin should NEVER have any central planners taking over the original base protocol of Bitcoin.”

This original base protocol regarded as Satoshi’s Vision was slated for larger block sizes that allow for much more than the utility of currency without the need for second layer solutions.

I added, “Bitcoin is a new Internet where any type of data can be transacted… including encrypted data with Zero-Knowledge Proofs.”

Xiaohui affirmed, “Bitcoin is not a product. It is not an app. It is a protocol. And the protocol does NOT have to change for innovative things to be built on top of it. Bitcoin is Turing-Complete.”

The ongoing Zero-Knowledge Poof hackathon organized by sCrypt is a real-world example of the innovation taking place with the Bitcoin protocol. With $45,000 worth of prizes awarded to the three most promising applications and a panel of judges including Craig Wright and Jad Wahab, it is worthwhile to see the results.

When it comes to crypto as an emerging asset class, I encourage others to look where people say to not look. The amount of resistance towards BSV is the greatest I have seen in crypto.

Yet, individuals like Xiaohui Liu are letting the technology prove itself in the face of any FUD or cognitive bias. Maybe this is the key to taking action on opportunities at the best time.

I encourage you to see for yourself and explore this breakthrough that could change the Lunarpunk world of privacy-focused cryptography forever.


You can watch the video on Vigilante.tv HERE.

Post originally posted on CryptoVigilante.io