in #crypto4 years ago

My $WHALE Journey

I am Paul and this is my journey so far,

I am a Whale Hodler, a Liquidity provider, a Dolphin, a WhalePunk Pod member and a member of WHALE COMMUNITY

You all know me as Dabdragon, The Jokester, and hopefully you all know I am your friend and will go out of my way to help anyone of you with any questions you may have, I also have a serious side, especially when talking about myself, my family, and Money. I consider all of you Family.

Also a pretty great singer at KARAOKE NIGHT with SHO! (Who knew?)

Before joining Whale Server I was actually stumbling through the whole cryptocurrency system. I lost money using ROI's and made money trading traditional crypto, but to no great success. Then one day I was talking to a friend on discord and they mentioned a name Whaleshark, of which I had heard quite a few times, and everything I heard was good. So I joined Whale server and haven't looked back.

Whale for me started as a ("I hope this works") idea.

But as I read the white paper and saw the enthusiasm of the other people on Whale Server (many I already knew) I saw that this was different and what I wanted to be involved in, a ground up great idea and a creator willing to invest not only money but also his knowledge and time.

You must understand, my family is traditional, and a big part of my family's beliefs are hard work is what a man does. Building something my father said when I told him I want to be a graphic artist. I want to create artwork, it makes me feel good about myself. It can be a lucrative career and I have the will and desire and I am a pretty good artist. It's not real (Dad said), get on a construction site learn a trade and bleed with the real men! "LOL" So after some talking and an intervention with my Father, my Uncles, my Grandfather (all of whom are in construction) I gave in, and I'm always all in! I received my Masters License for Electrical Contracting by 19 years old, at the time I was the youngest master electrician in Florida and I hated it, I rebelled too, I don't want to be in construction (I said) so let's do something really crazy, "Join The Military" I'm going to get a new career and the one I want, so off to the recruiter I went. The recruiter answered all of my questions with exactly what I wanted to hear too! Let's do it (I said again) Well after basic training I was ready for my new life to begin! (LETS DO THIS, I SAID) and I was handed my new and exciting military career path! I was made a Naval Electrician! WTF??? This cannot be right! I don't want to be an electrician (I said again) is there another path I can take until my hitch is over? Sure my Commander said, there's an elite program for guys that can handle a challenge but it's tough! Oh ok (I said) Let's do that (yeah!) Off to Coronado California I go, (Holy Crap What did I do? I said multiple times) "THE ONLY EASY DAY WAS YESTERDAY" a big sign said at the entrance of the base! (OH NO I said!) But I made a commitment so I'm going to do my absolute best like I always do, and after completing shear hell and my training was completed there and after some more training with other things, and its off to the other side of the world I go. I get to dive and blow stuff up and get paid, so Cool right? Wrong! It's cool and fun and the brotherhood is what I craved that's until everything goes sideways and an explosive charge detonates prematurely. I'm lucky to be alive, the doctors told me! It didn't feel that way to me! I have been in series of terrible incidents in which surgeries were needed to put me back together, I also now suffer from PTSD due to some things that happened as they do in war. Anyway....That's enough About that!

Many of the Whale Community know I am an injured military veteran and are sympathetic and always encouraging. But as I get older my body and therefore my occupation suffered, and I must admit I wondered what I would do to provide for my family. In fact I was down right scared about what to do. I have been in series of terrible incidents in which surgeries were needed to put me back together, I also suffer from PTSD due to some things that happened as it does in war. But those bills never stop and keep piling up.

WHALE as it happens was the answer, and being a water lover a big beautiful animal name like whale was perfect for me.

I was willing to not only Hodl the Whale I received from airdrops and competition but to actually invest some of my savings and buy some Whale as an investment. I decided to throw myself into furthering the token by being involved in whale server as much as possible. To actually participate in and create and purchase NFTs! The hallmark of Whale.

So Whaleshark starts Whale Server and we are off! Ok now I got some whale but but but it's only worth 15 cents I said that's not what I want. "Whaleshark says it is stability we want to build a future for whale." Ok I understand but I need to get paid! I thought about exchanging my whale and moving on and then I remembered the words


I had made a promise to myself, to build something just like my father always said! Build for the future! So suck it up soldier! Hodl that whale and Build something great, add liquidity and get the word out! Engage with the community! It also helped in the beginning that tipcc wouldn't let you withdraw Whale at all except for a very short window maybe once a week, so hodling became very easy! Hahaha hahaha hahaha we actually called it "FORCED HODL" and we were mad! I want my Whale withdraw so I can use it or put it in another wallet! It's mine I said and so did others.

But here's the thing that not many realized then, the forced hodl gave us a reason to come together as a group, it actually helped to mold the earliest of the Whale Community and we didn't realize that at the time. Crazy days I look back on and laugh, some real friends were made within the yelling about our withdrawals.

The Whale Vault is an amazing invention and The whale community is like a family to me. I am seeing a token from birth to infamy and I was there at the beginning. How cool is that?

As Whale grows I grow, I feel a real sense of family and friends too. I have made some real connections with people that I truly consider friends. I don't use these words lightly, a friend is someone I trust and my trust is my heart. The Whale Family is just that a group of people that have all come together yes, at first to make money but a real true sense of Family is there and you can feel it. I have found a new calling not only finding my passion again for my artwork but I can use my mind as well.

I am so happy I met Whaleshark, he and whale has truly changed my life. Whale Server is my second home and my second family. Alegria, Sho, Rudemoose, and all the key people are always there to help me when I just don't understand something. I have never felt anything but a true sense of helping and understanding from the mods. I have found in whale a true and satisfying mission in my life. I love the Whale Community and I hope I can be a valuable part of this Community.

We have actually found an investment that we are building, not relying on others to do the work and watching a ticker on CNN, but to actually add our inputs, and have it make a difference. You can literally see it grow with each step we make!

The events each day are also a great part of Whale and my days, I find myself checking the calendar everyday so that I can set other tasks around them.

Thank you all for being such a big part of my life in such a short time. The future looks amazing!