A start of smothing new...

in #cryptolast year


The word luck is linked to the concept of randomness, chance or destiny. In some cases there are certain factors that can maximize ROI and others that will cause a relative lower return. Your moral values may also guide your decision making for which opportunity might be worth your time and effort.

Investing in opportunities of value allows you to create heaven as your home on earth in which you would have at least one of everything that we want.

All great fortunes were created from decision-making. Some people might delay important decisions until the extra resources are available in their financial position. In contrast, other people make decisions now when they don't have enough resources available with the hope for good fortune for future compensating rewards.

If you are looking to live a comfortable life, then some of these opportunities may be worth your time and effort. However, if you are looking for wealth and either level of success, it may make sense to not spend too much time on something that might bring only mediocre ROI.

As such, it is always best to identify your priorities in life and make sure that you are focused on the things that matter most when it comes to making a decision as to which opportunity should or shouldn't receive your attention.

Applying investing’s principles to one’s own life can be worth it.

Some opportunities might seem alluring, but taking the time to objectively evaluate a decision against long-term ROI, control, and making a complete break between domains are three key points to follow while considering continuing usually takes less time than regret.

They offer to grow your wealth and change the course of your life. The promise made by companies that offer financial services is always one of 'success' and 'freedom' when entrusting them with important resources you have - extra time, higher income and even trust.

Along with a persuasive message, these companies are also offering you a lucrative way of expanding your monthly income without having to do too much work on your end or pay for a six-figure salary through windfalls from their fortune-making portfolios.

However, before considering these promises too good to be true, it is best to up thoroughly read the fine-print in their contracts allowing them total control over any changes they make about important decisions such as wealth management.

Money has a lot of terms that have nonverbal cues. There are many opportunities for misinterpretation and we cannot avoid them all.

Income is a way of measuring the flow of resources, goods, services or valuable possessions over a period of time. It's about earning the regular income needed for living to the extent of not just expenses but also saving and investments. What wealth represents: We would need separate definitions for wealth representing investment assets, person's possession and ownership, pleasure assets or possessions as subjective financial status estimates - they are broad concepts with complex histories that depend on how they're used in a sentence etc

Some people work for money with the goal of increasing their income and wealth. The way to get more money is to set up a side business offline or on-line. Basically, you look for ways of generating revenues in ways that you can control and make an ongoing profit from.

Many people who take the risk and think about their own life goals first, reject looking for an employee role if the opportunity comes about because turning the company into a source of income is just too important for them.

"Many employees have become tired of battling egos and anxious or stressed lifestyle which is led by comfort or needs." For many professionals, fulfillment has become too elusive - unless they find a way to take control back over their career path. It's one thing to do something as simple as buy stocks on Wall Street while passively earning a return 0r even opening your own business but something else entirely when it becomes part of your identity.


My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!
