NEO - The Chinese Ethereum

in #crypto6 years ago

Hi everyone.  I'm a keen follower of NEO and have thrown a buck or two that way.  Its described as the new "Chinese Ethereum". Some traders are predicting that it may well surpass Ripple and Ethereum in demand and value.

NEO Could Move To Coinbase

Located in San Francisco - Coinbase only deals in the big altcoins - Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin. Traders are predicting the Ripple and NEO could get added to Coinbase soon.

If NEO does move to Coinbase, it will definitely become more mainstream, attracting a wider range of investors.  Check out this article for more info

Did You Know that NEO Pays its Investors In GAS?

Yep, if you own NEO, you get a payout once a month in the NEO GAS crypto coin. Its not much, but its kind of cool that NEO pay crypto currency for owning it.  To do this you need a NEO wallet.  Some exchanges won't pay GAS, but some do.   I just got my first payment the other day from Binance the other day, so that was a nice little surprise from me.

Hope you enjoy my article :) 


This is my assessment of NEO from 6 days ago - and therefore I do not expect or ask for any votes:

Thanks for the reply. I will definitely read your article and am happy to upvote anyway :)

"Some exchanges won't pay GAS, but some do" - binance and kucoin do pay dividend in GAS - 3 to 6% - I think.

Hi freedomshift. Yeah it's just a small percent. I guess those exchanges that don't pay the GAS must keep it for themselves