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RE: Coinigy Review | Professional Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

in #crypto7 years ago

my experience:

balance not updatinng correctly

order execution is updated long time after real execution so u cant make new order instantly

doesn't show order history from exchanges

stop limits are not fired on time (u loosing money)

coinigy charts are buggy i got same problems multiple times but at same time tradingview and cryptowatch worked properly

1Screenshot at Jan 16 11-30-27.png

they have stolen me week of subscription just becouse i payed one week earlier?

their support is unresponive....

dont use coinigy i'm very sad with this service... overpriced slow buggy sh*t


You might be interested in Coygo. It's free right now, offers a similar suite of tools, and unlike Coinigy your API keys are never stored on their servers.