Why Invest in LEOMM? | An Analysis Report

in #crypto5 years ago (edited)

An Analysis Report on my investment in LEOMM

It has been 4 days since I started mining LEO with LEOMM. Since people have been asking me about the ROI of LEOMM, I decided to write a short report on this with data and charts, so that we can all get a better picture of the kind of results we can expect from investing in LEOMM.

I chose the LEOM (Leo Miner) instead of LEOMM (Leo Mega Miner) for mining of LEO because LEOMM mines 4X as fast as LEOM. LEOMM is at a cheaper price of 6 Steem/LEOMM whereas LEOM is 2 Steem/LEOM.

Since the LEO platform has started paying out our posts and curation, I am only able to track the record of 4 days of LEOMM mining.

Data Result - Investment in LEOMM

Volume of LEOMMDayLEO Mined
50 LEOMM117.593
50 LEOMM215.913
50 LEOMM36.79
50 LEOMM410.946

For 50 LEOMM, in a total of 4 days, I managed to mine 50 LEO. That's a pretty good return considering all this is passive income.

Chart - Investment in LEOMM

  • You can see that the beginning was quite good on the first day.
  • It then went down on a decline in the next two days.
  • The biggest dip is on Day 3.
  • Then on Day 4, the mining goes back up a bit

The mining fluctuates. There are a lot of factors that go into the fluctuation. In the way that the Steem Engine works, the mining takes place every hour. There are 30 winning miner tickets per hour meaning that only 30 LEOMM holders win each hour.

Here is a short description from the SteemLeo.com Team regarding how the actual mining is done at Steem Engine:

There are 30 winning miner “tickets” per hour, every hour of every day —> 30 potential winners each hour
1 mining power = 1 chance at winning a slot (i.e. if you have 1 LEOMM, then you have 4 potential chances to win 1 of these slots)
1 miner can win more than once (this is why having more LEOMM or LEOM will result in bigger payouts — you will win more often and you may even win more than 1x per hour)
The mining pool is 15% of the total inflation which means that there are 300,000 LEO tokens being distributed this year from the mining pool.

From here, we can see that the Steem Engine selects 30 random winning tickets that are based on the mining power. The system then automatically distributes these tokens to the winning miners.

Analysis of my experience in LEOMM

The question that is in our minds is how much LEOMM we should invest to get a good ROI. Is it worth buying LEOMM when the chance of getting a winning ticket is so random?

From my results, I put in 50 LEOMM.

Is LEOMM costly?

  • It costs 300 STEEM to buy 50 LEOMM.
  • In 4 days, I got 50.022 in return.

  • The pink line gives the average of the 4 days
  • The Average per day comes to 12.5055 LEO

With 50 LEOMM, one can expect about 12 LEO in return.

Converting this result to STEEM

How much is 12 LEO?

The price for buying LEO is .1855 Steem/LEO

So if I convert the 12 LEO, it comes to about 2.2506 Steem.

So investing 300 STEEM to buy 50 LEOMM, I get a return of 2 STEEM / Day!

In my mind, this is an excellent ROI.


From my experience of these 4 days mining with LEOMM, I believe this is a worthy investment. It is best to calculate this week by week. Unfortunately at present, Steem Engine does not have this feature that separates post rewards + curation from coin mining.

There is a limited supply of 70,000 LEOMM.

So far, from @gerber data, he has the following chart of the number of people investing in LEOMM.


I am one of them and am happy to stay here for the LEOMM investment.

What about you?

Tell me about your experience in the comment section.

Thank you,


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If your earning stay at 2 steem/day, you will be able to get your 300 steem back in about 5 months. That's really fast IMO, which is good as an investor as it's also passive.

In my case, since Leo tokens were dumped at a very low price around 0.075 to 0.09 Steem:Leo, the tokens I accumulated were around 4500 Leo at around 350 steem. Currently, this averaging me a curation reward of around 25 to 30 Leo tokens. The downside is that it takes my time and effort unlike the miners that earn by themselves.

Some would prefer passive while others prefer active. It all depends on personal preference.

Thanks for this detailed report, it has given me an insight on the actual returns of Leo virtual miners.

Actually I do both - active and passive. It is good to test all of them at this early stage.

The best mining, in my opinion, is creating content. That's it what you are doing very well, dear 🤗@rosatravels!

Thank you. Creating content is actually the most secure way to go and also can get a higher ROI. But this means time is spent to do it. Whereas, mining is passive. Lazy way to earn.

Instead of lazy, I prefer to think of mining as a steady fallback for when I don’t have time to be creative and thought provoking ;)

You can do both. and if steemleo survive your miners will work for you every day.

Thanks, @oldtimer!
Enjoy one fresh !BEER

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I stay away from those virtual miners! I prefer to accumulate Steemleo with my content. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, there are actually a few ways to invest LEO. Mining with LEOMM is just one of the ways. It is good to test them out to see whether they are profitable.

You are a gambler @rosatravels you seem to invest in every token out there. ;)

I agree with you, @chesatochi.
I purchased and staked 10 PALMM and I'm not very much satisfied. So I Started unstaking a 50%... 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @amico, with mining, the less you stake, the less of the possibility of getting the winning slots. I heard from others that they only put in 1 PALMM or 4 PALMM and not getting anything for a few days. You can test it out to see what happens with 5.

Greetings, dear and beautiful @rosatravels

Congratulations on the text. Really, it's a great ROI. What will you do with the received tokens? Are you going to stake or sell them by steem? For now, I'm giving stake in all tokens received !!!!

Thank you and good morning!

#palnet #sct #battle #spt #weedcash #steemleo #aaa #zzan

There are many ways I can do with the received tokens. I can continue to stake them to increase my Leo power. So far, everything has been staked. But there comes a time where I will check the market to see if it is good to sell them for steem. That is another option to do but in that case, I will leave them unstaked so that I can act on it right away when the price is right.

I think you had a few typos that make it a little confusing.

I chose the LEOM (Leo Miner) instead of LEOMM (Leo Mega Miner) for mining of LEO because LEOMM mines 4X as fast as LEOM. LEOMM is at a cheaper price of 6 Steem/LEOMM whereas LEOM is 2 Steem/LEOM.

I believe you mean to say you chose the Mega Miner.

There are 30 winning miner tickets per hour meaning that only 30 LEOMM holders win each hour.

This is not accurate. A Mega Miner (LEOMM) can win up to 4 of those 30 tickets. A regular miner can only win once. So a single LEOMM has the potential to win 4 of the 30 slots each hourly lottery.

So investing 300 STEEM to buy 50 LEOMM, I get a return of 2 STEEM / Day!

Keep in mind, this will drop drastically over time as more people buy LEOM and LEOMM and stake them. in fact, it will likely cut in half in a very short period of time (days? potentially even hours).

The price for LEO will change drastically over time and may go up or down affecting the daily estimate considerably.

Good post just wanted to point those out.

right, right and right

Thanks @themarkymark for making it more clear! I agree.

Right now there are around 4700 LEOMM sold and 200 LEOM sold. This is 20000 tickets going for those 30 X 24 spots a day (720). As more LEOMM and LEOM are sold, the odds of getting LEO will decrease. Unless the value of LEO goes up, the miners will become a worse deal. Right now the value of LEOMM is maximum 6 Steem, the value of LEO and LEOM are 2 Steem. The price won't rise unless the Steem.Leo account sells out. With less than 10% sold and the potential returns in LEO decreasing with each one sold, it may take awhile to get any value out of it.

I have LEOMM, too . I am not really tempted to buy more. Going for 50 at once is really interesting.

Yes, it is good to see how LEOMM performs in the next week or so.

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