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RE: Crypto net worth update

in #crypto3 months ago

That's why I say I'm all in on BLURT. Unfortunately, it hasn't (yet) been a winner for me. Right now my 1,025,000 BLURT are worth right around $3000 USD.

Good luck trying to sell that.


Today was a good day for Blurt, almost $200 in trading volume. Many days it is only $2.


It's going to be a sad day when Blurtian's actually try to sell and see the true price of Blurt.


You're an idiot who can't help but repeat the same 2 wrong points over and over. Pretty much everybody hates you and/or finds you pathetic.

You are going to get so rekt and you don’t even see it coming. Keep buying up that blurt bruh!


You haven't seen shrunk until you sell and see it drop 90%