Bob starts farming and says both "MOO" and "MOE"!

in #cryptolast month

Bob has had a dream for a long time. He wants to be a farmer. He is fed up with computers, cell-phones, TV's and all digital stuff. He just wants to get back to the old values and live in harmony with nature and live of what the nature and the animals surrounding him provides.

Even though Bob is fed up with the digital world, he does see its value and he knows it is an essential part of the future. As a result, our dead friend Bob has made some wise decisions. In order to live the dream of being a farmer, he has set aside a quite a lot of money to create passive income that will help him have some additional funds when farming and agriculture doesn't provide enough to make a living and to pay the bills.

Bob understands the principle of investing in the future. He is a farmer, and he knows that to reap, you must first sow. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience to see the fruits, while other seeds grow faster. While you can sow and reap reddish within a month (with some types), it takes years before you see fruit produced by a brand new fruit tree. It is all about building wise and with wisdom.

bob (and old man with a long white beard) is farming corn and carrots, with cows and sheeps i.png

Bob farms with Moe!

As Bob tries to find the best possible methods for generate passive income for the future, he has looked to TradFi (traditional finance) and to more modern stuff, such as cryptocurrencies. Where can he get the best and highest gains, without putting his money at risk? He can get an interest around 4% on his money in the bank, but that isn't a lot, and it will not really help him pay his bills. As a result, he looks further and quickly notices how Bitcoin has been a great hedge against inflation and the decreasing value of the US Dollar. Of course, short-term, it might be a risk asset, but long-term, it seems like a good investment that will bring its fruit in the right time.

And then Bob found something else. Bob was playing around looking for cryptocurrencies that somehow dealt with farming, and then he met Merchant Moe. The guy looked great, he smiled, and he seemed to be extremely welcoming and professional. Bob did some thorough research and quickly discovered that Merchant Moe is related to Trader Joe, another cryptocurrency platform in which the word farming is frequently used. That cannot be a coincidence, Bob though... What? Don't you see the connection? Joe, Moe... and now Bob? They all have names with three letters! That must be a sign!

Bob, Joe, Moe!

Even though Bob feels like he has been hit by enlightenment, he still does thorough research to learn more about Joe and Moe. He knows that a nice website and a cool logo can be forged and created by anyone... and there are many scams out there. Bob reads, the studies, he asks questions on Discord, he reads messages on Twitter, and after days of research, he can see that these are communities with legit teams, they have been around for a long time (even through years of drought/bear markets), and they didn't give up, they just pushed even harder to become even better.

That is the mentality Bob is looking for when he does investments. And based on that, he has decided to put his savings partly in the bank for a low interest, partly in Bitcoin, and then the rest he will use at farming at Merchant Moe to gain a much higher interest. Of course, he understand the risk of this, but he is convinced that Merchant Moe is here to stay, so even though the value of the MOE token should decrease short-term, it will be around, and in the right time, he will reap the harvest of his passive work plentifully.

bob (and old man with a long white beard) is farming corn and carrots, with cows and sheeps i 1.png

What are Bob's investment strategy with Merchant Moe?

Bob is busy from early morning until late night with actual farming. In other words, he doesn't have time to move funds around and spend much time looking into his investments and modifying them. As a result, he decided to add some of his investment into the MOE/mETH pool on Merchant Moe. He is convinced that both MOE and mETH are two tokens with a bright future, so he doesn't really see any risk there. He then farms with these tokens, meaning that he currently receives more than a 100% annual interest on this investment in MOE tokens. He then takes the interest (MOE) and stakes them on the platform. This gives him several benefits, including earning trading fees from trades happening on the Merchant Moe platform.

What's the result? Bob spends five minutes a day on this process, but it gives him great pleasure and safety, knowing that he has an additional daily income that provides security for the future, and peace at heart as he walks along his cows saying both "moo" and "moe", rejoicing in his new life as a farmer who can focus on what's really important to him!