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RE: IEO´s The New ICO´s

in #crypto5 years ago

ERC-20 has become pretty wide used in last few months. And I didn't like ICOs only because of the fact that you mentioned on the start of this report. Every user could see that over 90% of ICOs will never see the real market, and are mentioned as the "best startups" only to be funded in a way ..."fake it and disappear". IEOs have better future because IEOs serve as automatic upgrade of the system itself.


Hi friend @worldfinances.

Definitely the ICO's are bad. They have done a lot of damage to the cryptographic market.
With the IEO's come new opportunities. It is still a very recent concept and we need to see more results to define a criterion. Otherwise we would be making the same mistake as with the ICO's.

Thanks for comment.