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RE: My High Court Intervention

i dont know what it is but if it helps crypto stay out of government oversight and regulation im all for it lol. I dont like the government having the abilility to just freezy my money. If i have it in my wallet and say i charge money to my self from my own business max my cards out take like 200K from that put it in btc, eth etc and various lp postions as well as stable coins for use on defi protocals for interest and staking and stakking as a service, mining certain coins, run guilds palying games where i get x % and do a few other things and once its automated it i think will exceed what i think it will do and im just hoping it replaces 100K so which is like 200K salary bc w2s get boned. If i can do that im going to be plowing money like half into traditional private and individual equidies and private real estate all types as well as private busiensses like car washes , gas stations, Farms, start ups, then 25% into directly owned real estate and make sure i spend over 750 hours and keep a log so i can completly offset my tax and that 25% leverages to 75% bc you can usually borrow 3X on real estate and the depreciation can be divided out into lessor lives you can deduct year 1 ususally between 40-60% so say 50% and the building was a 2 illion dollar building i could have a 1 million dollar deduction and likely nol to cover unexpectedd income or fluctioations and deprecation on 1 million the building over 39 years but some of that can be deducted as well. The passive investments will be timed to offset each other so zero taxes, oil, gas, minerals, etc working interests will be used also to offset earned income so I can qualify for all the free shit from the govt if you show legally of course a agi of 17K. You can its complicated to do but i do it every year never pay tax legally and keep every cent no fica i dont get a w2. In about a year or 2 I will likely be full boar in this project with a manager running the tasks and me just making sure it goes well and expanding it so i can make more and then at 35-40 sell the business for a few million or more depending and thats it become a full time investor put 2 million in very safe investments that guarantee me like 100-200K a year then the rest i can invest in what ever i want bc ill plan to live on the 200K and any extra will be money that goes in a trust for members of are family so hopefully there is enough to create generational wealth actually when i get my inheritace there deff will be so ill set the rules up so only 50% of the income can be used so it always grows and it will give my kids and family and my sister the opportunity to just not work if they dont want to and pursue something interesting but maybe it doesnt pay which is true freedom and thats what im shooting for and really early bc i worked my ass off for 20 years and then saw how the game is played and i would never make it as a employee its almost impossible for most bc they have no clue but you sacarafice as much as possible for 5 years if your late and say make 80K plow as much in your 401K, IRA and HSA brokerage as you can, start a side business so you can take a initial tax loss against your wages and get all your taxes pack for a few years plow that in investments in a traditional broker, utilized oz funds for some investments with gains and overall if you dont have like at least 500K extend the saving a few more years and wait until you do bc you want to be able to get 50K with 10% returns to 20% returns 100K so you can live on 20-25K and make another bit doing something hyou love doesnt need to be much if its 10K great plow that into a solo 401K and have a 5% amount to use for anything. Once you start living off the distributions and side gigs still save like crazy to build up the passive to 100K maybe not as aggressivly but fast so withing 5-7 years you at or past it and then you can spend a bit more and stil save like 50-100K a year in investments that in about 5 more years will make you so much money if they go well that you will probably double or triple that passive income and then im good but i like ivesting so ill still prob do it i only do it like a few hours a week the only diff is id have places in the USVI, Philipines - Rent, Puerto Rico Highrise, vegas, ny etc and some abroad in berut , amsterdam, london, ireland and when im not there there would be a business manager to rent them out or throw events what ever to make money on them.