Why Actifit Daily Updates are so wonderful? | And why some Hivians don't and don't deserve to be called "Hivian"?

in #cryptocompany5 months ago (edited)


This is a continuation of an article whose introduction I published at @cryptocompany in the same moment. To read the following article, you don't need to know the other article; you can understand it without knowing the context. (But you can read it anyway - maybe worth it for your personal benefit!)

Why is this part published here?

On the one hand, the article would have been too long and too much content. And also because the words that now appear here were not necessary for the article. And if they are critical words, why should I criticise them under the company logo? Because the following words contain my opinion and personal viewpoints and I probably prefer to talk about personal viewpoints here rather than in CCCEO articles. Especially when it is not necessary to propagate this opinion under CryptoCompany. CryptoCompany should be a place of joy. Not the place where we take a critical look at strange excesses on the blockchain.

... Here we slide into the situation and starting point of the article at CryptoCompany:

So the CCCEO voting service has now been usable for 13 days and I realise that I like to vote on Actifit Daily Updates, which I had previously rejected. Why?

After just a few days with a voting service...

After just a few days with a voting service, you get an initial insight into how much AI-generated content is actually on the move here. You get to know the accounts, do a bit of research and see account operators who abuse and suck out the chain. Some of them are real ************ who set up their own fake account network and drain it with various comment tokens. It goes without saying that CryptoCompany CEO does not support such behaviour. CryptoCompany does not want to and will not become an authority like HiveWatchers. But CCCEO will never support obvious abuse of the blockchain. I've already made it clear and I want it to be known:

I/CCCEO works for chain... and spammers? Suuuure! Welcome!

And spammer/scammer ask me/CCCEO, a honest man and project for support of their content? And demonstrate that they did not read the two lines of big bold marked "RESTRICTIONS" on the voter page? They ignore my please and think that any serious Hive proje... come on... don't let me search for words...

You as a spammer/scammer know that your content is nothing worth, but a down vote. You know(!) that what you are doing is - let us call it what it is - fraud. It's abuse. It's a rape of all our values. Of what we have built and will build. (And you demonstrate/create a lot about and in yourself! Dear spammer, do you see your existence so unworthy to take your time with this as content of what you achieved in life? Sad! I wish you the best!) Yes, this works for X and his self-made spam network with !XXX votes. But just because some projects ignore to hear that they support abuse of the blockchain it doesn't mean that CCCEO does the same. Offering a voting service is always a delicate/difficult thing and should be controlled. (But on the other side it's good to see that nobody cares about. So when other projects support scam & spam networks, CCCEO should be pretty save to support valid and real content & blockchain engagement. Puh, what a luck for me & the community!) Back to the AI spammers:

Do they get it?


There is no contract between me and anything called Hive. Obviously I have kind of contract with the supporters of CCCEO. But that's another story. The Hive Blockchain is part of the world in which I want to live and which I want for myself and others. It is part of the path to freedom, to independence. Away from loan slavery and down with barriers! I know people in the 3rd World who have food on their plates thanks to the our chain - and their contribution to it. Because our blockchain is great! It is a marvellous offer to everyone; a gift for many. Part of a society, a model that I am happy to be part of. A model that needs to be proven! You! Me! We! We have to make sure of it! You! Me! And as much as I have to stand up for the society I would like to live in: If anyone thinks they want to abuse or rape the chain, then they are neither my friend nor part of the hiking group I am travelling with.

Everyone must make a contribution to shaping society as they would like it to be. Anything else is apathy followed by victimhood.

Back to Actifit

In contrast to these AI articles and spam networks, @Actifit is an established project on the chain that gives our blockchain relevance - right into the carbon world. And Actifit not only revitalises the chain, it revitalises people! Actifit motivates people to move! In my case, that would mean: "Actifit motivates people to be healthier." So. And now anyone else who treats Actifit with contempt?


I myself am pleased that I have now recognised the true value and contribution behind Actifit. Actifit is an excellent facility for our blockchain in every sense of the word! And Actifit not only works on the blockchain, but certainly far beyond. In a way, we can honestly say, that other projects - including CCCEO - cannot.

The CCCEO Voting Service does not currently provide 10 HTU anyway. But it could be 1 or 2. And if someone somewhere shows their neighbour what Hive can do and we - and by that I mean all of us as a Hive society - can improve someone's life, then we will have done something. Then we will have shown what our blockchain can do and the path it offers us. At this point, I could start using big words again - that would also fit! But before this gets out of hand again...

Why is the chain so great for you?
And how can you contribute to it?

Be safe & have a great day! Even if you run your own AI article network. Then I wish you less greed, less desire and more enjoyment and fulfilling inner values. I wish you in particular all the best. Get well soon!


And why some Hivians don't deserve to be called "Hivian"?
Just clickbait?

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