Litecoin a good replacement for Bitcoin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Over past few years public's interest in cryptocurrencies increases drastically . Most famous cryptocurremcy in the market is
bitcoin. Litecoin is launced in october 2011 . According to creators litecoin could act as secondary cryptocurrency of bitcoin.
Gold is higher kind of precious metal than silver. Price of litecoin is $42.26369408.

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Difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin.

One of the main difference between these two currencies that how much coins they can produce . Bitcoin can never exceeds
than 21 million coins. Where litecoin can mine upto 84 million coins.

There is difference between mining algorithms also, Bitcoin makes use of the longstanding SHA-256 algorithm, whereas Litecoin makes use of a comparatively new algorithm known as Scrypt.

Overall Litecoin is good replacement to Bitcoin .


I write about LTC daily. The best coin out there for the price

Yes litcoin is best

@jetblake upvote , resteem this post and follow me i will follow you

LTC will always be silver to BTC IMO

That's true every other cryptocurrency is based on Bitcoin

Going into and saying you are upvoting and you are not doing so. please do not tell people you are upvoting thier posts without actually doing it.

@onlyonemen I am upvoting others post also

@akshaybornare yes but if you ping me in saying you upvoted mine and didn't then your just fucking with me and i don't like shit at all

From yesterday I am unable to open steem chat and today my account does not work @onlyoneman

@rarcntv thanks for upvoting. follow me and resteem this article

I like it and have a few.

Resteem this article

If you mean upvote I believe I did

Good post.
Will be my resteem too

Thanks 👍 @amuchtar