Muslim and Christian Clergy Declare Bitcoin A Sin!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


Both the Russian Orthodox church and their counterparts in the Egyptian Muslim clergy have condemned Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency as unholy. Of course, sitting on top of hundreds of billions of dollars and gold while claiming to care for the poor is just business as usual.

This is expected behaviour from power brokers and dominators in our society. They seek to command the legions of plebs under dated ideological paradigms. To keep the masses pinned down they must be told how unworthy they are, from the original sin to their misfortune in not being as holy as Jesus or Mohammad. To psychologically dominate the many the few use any dirty tactic available.

Cryptocurrency offers the opportunity for the billions of unbanked, discarded and banished to raise their voices above the chatter of the charlatan banksters and economists that have created the wealth gap. The church is more than happy to lend a helping hand.

The world is watching and it is not fooled anymore.
