a wellness and health platform on the blockchain

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

This is my entry into a contest by @originalworks



Lympo produces an incentive through the powerful monetisation of client created games and health information. This profitable data is gathered through the blockchain record and is then used to remunerate clients by offering LYM token motivators that can be consumed on encourage upgrade of a decent way of life.

Lympo is a strong lifestyle organic framework creator that uses the blockchain development to relate different accomplices.

How to understand lympo

John is cognizant about his wellbeing so he downloads and counsels versatile wellbeing applications in his cell phone. He likewise client a wearable band to track his physical movement. So one may contend that his activity places him in the section of 52% of the versatile utilizing populace who scan for wellbeing related data utilizing their advanced mobile phone and download and utilize versatile wellbeing applications yet now what John does is the thing that influences him to emerge from the rest. He associates his versatile applications and wearable gadgets to Lympo and gives it a chance to record the wellbeing related data that he imparts to his wellbeing applications.
Lympo gives him access to a reward framework where wellness related difficulties would be shown and there would be a reward for finishing these difficulties. He checks the test accessible for him and finds that he would gain a reward for running a 5 km extend. This test has been included by a caffeinated drink producer who need to publicize and advance their re hydrating caffeinated drinks for sprinters.
Dan acknowledges to finish this test there by entering a brilliant contract.


He finishes the test and after chronicle the consummation of the test gets LYM token coins discharge as his reward.This is the Savvy CONTRACT: Client REWARD PROGRAM
He checks where he can utilize these tokens and finds that his neighborhood rec center is enrolled there. He can utilize his reward tokens to purchase an entire scope of administrations and items.
He is quick to interface with an individual dietitian who can enable him to get in shape and the Lympo application gives him the chance to associate with a dietician. Anybody related with wellness and wellbeing industry can list with Lympo.
So wellness coaches and dietitians from any piece of the world can enroll their administrations on Lympo.


Concluding statement: is one of the best fitness and health platform on the blockchain that aids members to get paid in form of tokens called LYM. This token is gotten from completion of challenges or by acting as gym instructors. Apart from this, there is a market place for the sales and utilisation of these tokens at a standard rate to buy items.

The team




This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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