
Great 👌 I'm followin up
I also added EOS from my btc swings to my long run holdings. Now should study COSS

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That's what says great news

That's a big news buddy! Good for COSS users!

This is a grat post


Great. Already glad that I did follow you on this one!
Thanks mate!

Love the idea behind what they are doing. A universal wallet means something for every average person, while the payment gateway is very useful for merchants.

grat news

Very good news I liked the news very well thanks you dear

Very good news I liked the news very well thanks you dear

Cool! I however store my Eos on openledger but that nice that Coss supports the swap as well :)

This is a grat news ♥♥

This is great news! I don't use COSS but the more platforms support the main net launch the better :)

that would be great news for all my friend COSS users :)

Let me share it :)

Thanks for sharing @cicbar

I really hope if you give vote to my post.

It is very valuable to me if you are willing to vote to me.

Wow this is a great news and a new turn 😋IMG_20160618_000409.gif

Ohhh!!! Great news thanks for share. But good post.

thank you sir... i like your post

Really a great news, thanks for keeping us upto date.

Great news,thanks for shareing


This is a great news!¡!!!!😱😱😱😱

Very good news I liked the news very well thanks to you and I will resteem this post a little later

That is a great news for all

very perfect news.thanks

wow, its really good news for..thanks for share with us.

Thank you so much @cicbar for share a good news.

I hate COSS and I don't want to use it ever again. Those of you who have only seen the "new and improved" COSS may want to read a bit about the history of the old COSS. That exchange lost me a lot of money:

I can't say that you are wrong. I am COSS holder for months and there was period when exchange simply didn't work and that is probably when you had bad experience. I have bought lot of COSS tokens for long term(up to 2020) and I didn't care for bad experience at that period. Now is much better but still far away from perfect but even if they continue development at slow pace like they are doing, my investment will be very profitable. I am patient guy.

Isn't the future for decentralized exchanges?

There will always be centralized exchanges. You can't deposit fiat with DEX.

Patience is good. Good luck with that, I hope they make you rich! I'm avoiding them though, too badly burnt, but they're probably okay now.


Very good news I liked the news very well thanks you dear

Great news. Thanks.

amazing blog i am amazed with you.perfect news.very perfect news.thanks

its a very helpful post, thank you.

Great. Already glad that I did follow you on this one!
Thanks mate!

its really a good news... thanks for share...

what an amazing news . thanks

That's really great news

Great news for all

Thanks for info @cicbar, this is very good news!

cryptocurriencies are the future,....