Why Did Cryptassist Choose A Dag Based Algorithm?

It is believed by many in the cryptosphere that DAG will become the next generation Blockchain. Blockchain 3.0. In order to stay at the forefront of crypto technology, Cryptassist will convert to a DAG based algorithm in Q1 2019.

Blockchain is a concept that started gaining popularity as a standalone technology in 2015. Previously it was known only as the data structure underlying the technology behind Bitcoin and was referred to simply as “a chain of blocks”.

As Bitcoin rose in popularity it became known as Blockchain 1.0, but with transaction speeds of only a maximum of 7 TPS and taking 10 minutes to generate a new block. Then along came Ethereum as a decentralized platform for applications and the crypto world began to refer to it as Blockchain 2.0, but still only being able to perform 20 TPS.

Cryptassist will implement DAG – Blockchain 3.0
Direct Acyclic Graph, or DAG, is a structure that uses topological ordering, meaning that it can only go from earlier to later. DAG is often used to solve problems related to data processing, scheduling, data compression and finding the best route in navigation, meaning that it is infinitely more efficient than other blockchain solutions.

Solving the scalability issues that many other cryptocurrencies face
Cryptassist has a block generation time of only 30 seconds and transaction speeds of a blistering 3,500 TPS, meaning that is at the forefront of blockchain technology and giving Cryptassist users an edge in the ever dynamic cryptosphere.


To learn more about the Cryptassist DAG algorithm or the Cryptassist platform, please visit our website or download our Whitepaper at www.cryptassist.io

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As the best principle of every expert developer is using the right tool for the right job. @cryptoassist team have done rigorous research on their technology and have chosen the best Algorithm procedures for scalability of the project. Kudos to the team.

cryptocurrency will become Blockchain 3.0
that's great

i'm watching DAG algo few months ago, and i'm glad that your project will choose DAG as your algo.

Cryptassist creates a link between the cryptocurrency and its users.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain is the future.
With Cryptassist cryptocurrencies will be available to all!!!
Project and developers best wishes!

Awesome !! Cryptassist will be a Blockchain 3.0 platform. very interesting milestones !!

3500 transactions per second is incredibly fast guys! It is 175 x so fast as Ethereum and 500 x so fast as Bitcoin!

Innovators are the winners of each and every field . Cryptassist will be a excellent innovator in this area !! #CryptAssist #CTA

Amazing! 3500 TPS is much higher than the current highest transaction rate which is 3000 TPS by EOS. Cryptassist probably a new era of the blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology is the basic system of the CryptAssist project. I consider this a great advantage.

This is one of the best projects to date! I advise everyone to join!

A great news to the community.

It's so nice to see that blockchain technology is developing! Thank you!

A wonderful project

great revolutionary project, best investment from 2018 onwards, super competent team, immediate success.Thank you ...

Cryptassist creates a link between the cryptocurrency and its users.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain is the future.

What a good news happy to hear it

Cryptassist is truly a pioneer in blockchain technology and its applicability.

Nice project!

I believe into the team, the team has made a right decision for this project. Success!

The use of DAG algorithm will make sure that many transactions that occur on the Cryptassist platform happens at a very fast rate. The Cryptassist platform is indeed a crypto solution against the delay and expensive charges in crypto transactions.

I think I have to read the whitepaper to get a deeper understanding on the DAG algorithm.

The most interesting project for today, this project will achieve great victories, I recommend it to everyone!

Innovation at this best.

Best wishes to the team

Wow, block generation time of 30 seconds and transaction speeds of a blistering 3,500 TPS - it's really fast

Cryptassist - is
success! Cryptassist will solve the problem and make cryptocurrency
available to everyone in everyday life.(this is my personal text, thank you!)

The Cryptassist mission is to supply everybody with liberated access to the universe of crypto-resources through a variety of basic devices with everything from exchanging and news alarms, to an OTC trade and even a check card.


cryptassist will be convertig DAG algorithu from 2019 Q1 happy to be with the team

the amazing progressive task, the best speculations since 2018 forward, super skillful group, coordinate achievement. Much obliged...

implementing the Direct Acyclic Graph will distinguish crypto assist from any other application in the market

the noteworthy progressive task, the best ventures since 2018 forward, super skillful group, coordinate achievement.

The transaction speed on this platform is a lot higher than that of the ethereum network which is one of the most widely used blockchain for dapps right now, cryptassist is a great project with 3500 TPS

DAgG algorithms will definitely help it to improve the blockchain 3.0 which will be the requirement of the technology to evolve to next level.

That's cool to know about the transaction per second, the network won't be clogged like that of ethereum

this is a great project for the year 2018

Wow this is great, it's many time fast than ethereum and bitcoin transaction put together

Blockchain 3.0 is an interesting form and evolution of the whole technology. I read a lot about him, it looks interesting enough

#CryptAssist #CTA project is young, but for sure very promising, many people advising this project because of the smart team and great aims!! Join CryptAssist I start learning this project, I see big potential

It is so great to see that blockchain the innovation creates! Much obliged!

I have faith in group, the group has settled on the right choice for this venture. Victory!

cryptassist will ensure different parameters by analyzing different platforms for the best information to the market.

@cryptassist whats your bitcoin prise prediction?

This is a great concept of havig crypto market to that mark and the projects are develops of proper utilization of technology.

The most innovative platform to come this year.

Operational speed on this stage is significantly higher, than that from ethereum of system which is a standout amongst the most generally utilized blockchain for dapps at the present time, cryptassist - the exceptional venture

Blockchain technology - the basic system of the CryptAssist project. I consider it big advantage.

Really looking forward to this project, I hope the team will continue good job!

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