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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

Great job

people like you only create more tension and enemies. Flagging me and reducing reward pool is not only an open attack at me but also all curators.

Why wouldnt you flag someone bigger than me and risk being downvoted to 0? the easiest way is to release on small hard working content builders.

how does it help anyone?

@trumanity thank you for your support.



What kind of people? That fight here every day for a better Steemit?

Who do you think you are, that you think you can speak for "all curators"?

The problem was your memo spam, not your content.


Im sorry for such a late reply. I've been away for couple of days.

Who do you think you are, that you think you can speak for "all curators"?

I do not speak for all curators. I speak for myself. And Im nobody. Just another community members trying to build his presence and being attacked by someone hiding behind the bot. Just sad.