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RE: Model Portfolios for investing in Cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago
  • On my blog I have some details on investing outside of crypto. I will eventually update the page with more details on my exact holdings. Generally I go with an ETF split that indexes these markets:
    50% US Total Market, 40% World Markets, 10% Emerging Markets.

  • The general rule is 100 minus your age is the percentage of your portfolio that should consist of stocks.. so if you were 25 you would hold 75% stocks and 25% bonds. The sub portfolio for crypto is mostly personal preference and risk tolerance.

  • The amount of different types of coins an investor purchases is again personal preference. There is nothing wrong with a portfolio's crypto portion being 100% bitcoin - and it might actually perform better than one that has a lot of alt-coins that under-perform/lose value...

A lot of people in this space are looking for "the next Ethereum" and invest in the newest flavor of the month coin without doing any real research. It also takes a lot of time managing the private keys and wallets for each coin holding.