Notice to All Steemians: Do Not Use Poloniex Right Now or Ever

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

A quick rundown of what just happened to me: I had 94.079 SBD in my account which I transferred to Poloniex. All of it. This is my first ever payout supposedly but poof, it was gone.

Now, I’m hopeless if I could ever get it back. 

It’s just been an hour since I made the transaction and ever since, I have read around Twitter and posts by other Steemians that they have been experiencing the same, some more than 2 days already. The odds are that the Steems and SBDs will not be returned. Ever. 

Now I am angry enough to conclude that Poloniex is not a safe digital asset exchange. Do not use it right now or ever. 

I’ve been talking to gailbelga about this matter and she knows my story prior and during this mess. She was also scammed, so to speak, by Poloniex with 30 SBD taken away according to her. 

My situation is that that 94.079 SBD would have been used to cover for the hospital fees of my father who is now in an isolation room, fighting for his life (I told Gail about this story before this Poloniex mess).

Time is of the essence for me and more importantly for my father. I would not be frantic about this if it isn't urgent. 

I really, really, really want to cry right now as I am expecting to shell out some cash for my father as I had promised him to share a portion of his medical bills. He is still in the hospital, while I am at home trying to make some extra money online because of the need. 

The doctor advised just this week about my father not going to stay longer due to complications in his heart, lungs, and kidneys. I’m in a period of acceptance regarding that matter and Poloniex is not at all helping me going through the process. 

I am relatively new to this platform and I only know a few around. Lucky for me, a post of mine was curated last week. I have been trying to make quality content since day one because like you, I would also like to earn.

But I guess what happened to me is charged to experience. Partly, it is my fault. While I only followed guides from fellow Steemians on how to convert my earned SBDs, I did not research more on the status of such digital asset exchange if it is safe or reliable.

I have learned that it is not. And I do not want anyone else to suffer from the same fate.  

With Bittrex still closed for new registrations, I am seeking the help of Gail for my transactions for the meantime. 

Now my request to all of you who read this is to help a brother out. Kindly check my posts, and if you find interest in them, upvotes and resteems are a big, big, big help to me and my father. 

Thank you. 


I have some stuck myself. It will all work out, Poloniex has messed up before, they all have. They have never stolen money from me. Hope my vote helps you with your situation. I feel for you, my father is in the hospital right now as well. Good luck

I appreciate this Sir! Wishing your father will also be well.

I think Poloniex has problem with Steem deposit and withdrawal today, you just wait and everything will be fine. Cheers :)

Poloniex can be unreliable and their support takes weeks to respond (if at all). I have had numerous transactions get "stuck" but have not been ripped off yet. Did you use a memo on your deposit? If you did then you just screenshot their deposit address memo and get the block number of your transaction, raise a support ticket and they should credit it (eventually).

I've got BitShares stuck there for a few days now and the wallets are down. I'm just trying to be patient and using other exchanges.

sir @dioncrediblehulk, you can use blocktrades then. Easy transaction and so far I haven't experienced any trouble with it. I had already 5 transactions with Blocktrades.

The greater the transaction the lesser the fees onwards.

Noted! I will learn how to use Blocktrades next time. Nasstress ako sa nangyayari saken ngayon sa totoo lang.

This is really heartbreaking :( I am really sorry for what just happened :( I never tried blocktrades but please @nikkabomb if you have time, kindly help our friend @dioncrediblehulk with the process.

yea @smaeunabs. I'm making the necessary screenshots now for my blog later.

You have my prayers sir. I hope my 0.01 would help you. Hmmm. I'll try to make a blog on how to use blocktrades. Though there has already been one created by @jassennessaj, I just want to add the new updates of Blocktrades. In that way, you'll receive your BTC in a hassle-free way. That is of course without the intention of trading. Just pure transactions. Wish you best of luck sir @dioncredible.

Sorry naubos na pala voting power ko. 😔

I have some stuck in two seperate ways on Poloniex. One transaction failed and was never returned to me in December, and the other has been pending for 3 days now. It's a couple thousand dollars just sitting in limbo, Poloniex has had nearly 2 months to reply to my ticket and hasn't.

Unfortunately because Steem is traded on few exchanges, and some are closed even, it further complicates the issue.

I know it's been 3 days, but my heart goes out to you and I hope your situation has improved. I'm with you, after this is resolved, I'm done with Poloniex forever.

Hope you get it back bai. I know its hard especially when that money should have been alloted for something worthwhile. For now, I guess you can send emails to them.

Thank you! Sending emails is the route I'm trying. I really need my SBD back ASAP. :(

Prayers for your dad. Poloniex sometimes disable/enable the deposit/withdrawal of steem/sbd for some reason. I use bloctrades eversince kahit malaki minsan ang fee because their service is fast, easy to use and never had a problem. I have done 13 transactions so far with blocktrades with no hickup.

You have my full upvote and please check your wallet. I sent a small amount. I hope that will help. Regarding our arrangement with your curied post, I am still on the process of working it out. I was planning to split with you two the SBD rewards. I'll get back to you when it's done.

Thank you for all of these, Kim! I really, really, really appreciate the help. Now I'm trying all the means to reach to Poloniex and claim my SBD ASAP.

Do all means necessary. The Cebu community is behind your back.

Hmmm I'm kind of speechless but good one though!! I'm new on steemit please I just followed you kindly follow back thanks

I a sorry for your sad situation, I wish you well my dear steemian!

I've recently registered an account on poloniex, and have never used the platform before... Have you ever used the trading platform before and managed to transfers, trade and deposit values?

This is my first time to use the platform ever. I just learned how to transfer my SBD to Poloniex earlier today. And then this happened.

Sorry to hear this man!

Til now I've always used BlockTrades, the platform that my STEEM account linkes too. This one has always worked, but the only drawback is that it charges a lot in fees I think... according to research, I believe that BlockTrades charges between 3-4% in fees which is a lot if you think about higher deposit/withdrawal numbers...

Let me know if you suddenly was going to receive your SDB on Poloniex. Maybe transaction time is VERY delayed.

BTW... created a post on your behalf, and I gave you a shout out! You might want to check if out.

I cant imagine the pain...

Im speechless

This really brokes my heart. Be brave man, God bless you @dioncrediblehulk

Hope my upvote will help @dioncrediblehulk. Praying for you and your father. I hope it could still be resolved. I hope delayed lang.

Oh my, I hope you'll get through this.

I am very sad for your father :(. Did your SBD appear on your Poloniex account, sometimes trading exchanges have difficult to handle to load and the transaction can appear a few hours later.

That's not good, it's sad. I would surely resteems this and upvote !

Sorry dear, i pray they return the money

OH yeah I think this is the problem with poloniex, some people recommend bitrex but I hope you are going to make much money with your future post and your dad is going to be better. Just you need to have hope and everything is going to be better. congrats from venezuela :)

Oh sorry to hear this @dioncrediblehulk. I sent small amount, I hope that it could help a little. Praying that those SBDs will be back.

Everything will be fine, more blessings will come to you

I'm so sorry man, i use Polonix too but did not happen to me never something like that!I hope you will be refunded after all.