Is it Worth Sending STEEM to HitBTC to Arbitrage?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Does anyone ever successfully arbitrage?

The price of STEEM on HitBTC is $4.35 considerably higher than other Exchanges.

Bittrex for example which has the highest volume of STEEM trading the price is lower at $3.33.

Has anyone ever sent STEEM to HitBTC?

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've tried this successfully, made a profit and any best practices to consider.

Thank you for reading this post because I hope it is helpful for you if you consider to arbitrage cryptocurrencies.

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All my hopes and dreams.

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That’s interesting. I’ll certainly keep an eye on the responses.

It certainly is, I haven't tried it yet so I just wanted to put it out there first..

Sorry I can't be more help. I am curious about how we can take advantage of the price differences between different exchanges.

I guess a good starting point would be just to do a test run with less units.

HitBTC will not allow you to deposit STEEM, always says "Wallet under maintenance".