Decided to mix it up and make a new type of video for my crypto channel today. Let me know what you guys think!

If you like this video, consider subscribing to my crypto YouTube channel here!

I still have next to no idea what I'm doing here on Steemit, but I really appreciate the warm welcome I've received so far. Thanks everyone!

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Hey Doug nice idea to post on steemit and promote alctoins market and bring rational analysis in a comic way.

I am sure when you will learn more about steemit ecosystem and the fact you are still an early adopter of the platform you will understand what you are doing here :)

Steem is one of the rare crypto where you can follow statistics of adoption rate and all the liquidity inflow.

steemit apps 2017 stats:

Quite similar to poker emotions management and technicals skills are necessary to trade correctly, i am sure you enjoy the crypto game :)

Big respect for your poker career, from grinder to elite is a huge inspiration!

With your analytical mind and social media coverage no doubt you make a killing in crypto invesment.

Wish you the best Doug ,GL.

Do you also invest in altcoins? Do you think this is more promising steemit?
Thank you for noticing me and giving an answer.

Sure i am, there is some very good crypto projects with strong fundamentals, steemit is only one of them.

I also think that you can not keep money in one place, you need to divide in different currencies.
it's not only profitable if you wait for growth, but you can also earn them, for example, you can make an aphot to me and I'll earn $ 10, and if you support 2 comments, that's more, this is a big plus of Steemit.
But for some reason, such big players regret their power for the average user's appetite, which they write well, I noticed that you make a lot of up-limits of ordinary people, thank you for that.


I see you are all-in Ripple.

Do you know how big the market capitalization will be just for Ripple XRP if the price reaches 13K?

Use some math and logic together and you will understand more about how the pricing works.

Ripple will die sooner or later, it's project just sucks. Banks that need that technology won't need Ripple to adapt it.

Bitcoin will retest 20 k before 30 March 2018

You are either a genious or fortune teller. Am I right? :)

why sir@ anakur

Maybe because you are predicting with certainty what 99.9999% of the professionals can not. You are saying BTC will retest 20K before 30 march. That is a good wish I guess. It may retest of course as well as it can go down to 7500.
Check this:

They are saying that 20K will be on tables only by the end of October.

I wonder if the idiots who post the triangle pictures with lines going every direction really believe what they are posting? Or is it a big joke they are trying to play on the naive?

Funny & Interesting video.

Thanks for sharing the knowledge

Glad to see you out on Steemit @dougpolkcrypto. I've been following you on YouTube and now I can catch you out here as well.

lmao best crypto video by @dougpolkcrypto ever. Im dying laughing right now

Thanks man!


Nice work done @dougpolkcrypto 👍👍👍

This is pure gold!

My first thought was:

'Oh no - not another one of this annoying videos.'

But then I remembered that I watched a Video of you previously where you dissed people who made exactly those videos.

So I knew - without watching it (which I'm doing a bit rn) that it's a satire.

You sleezy.. :D

Same here :)

Man, I just came here to upvote myself but damn I watched the entire video! Hilarious guy and really awesome content, agree with almost everything you talked about. Would love to hear your thoughts on bitcoin though! Followed and subscribed on youtube too.

I just saw a post of you joining and I was beyond excited and I came to your page to check it out just Incase I was seeing things @dougpolkcrypto

good job :)

Glad to see you are making it to trending on steemit! Have been watching for a few weeks now, and we add your videos to crypto TV playlist regularly ;)
Cheers -

Your analysis is so spot on with these self proclaimed crypto gurus. Most of them acquired their wealth peddling all things with a referral code paying them at the end.
Great job keeping my attention, excellent video!

Here's some value for you...might not make you rich but 53% gains :)


You earned a follow! Funny vid keep up the good work!

I have laughed my a** off. This was so funny - and please let's try to bring Crypto Chick to steemit as soon as possible! She is wasting her life on youtube...

To the moon!

One of the best crypto related contents on the internet!!

Lol; 2100% = 21 times. If anyone who would have invested 1000 in early 2017 in PIVX; he/she would have received 21000; and not 21000000.

Nice video @dougpolkcrypto. Following you.

That was a good video @dougpolkcrypto... And you are absolutely right in your observations.

People watching the top 5 cryptos to invest in 2018 on youtube would just follow these youtubers, buy these cryptos, frantic buying will increase the value of these cryptos thereby increasing value of the stake held by those who are promoting them via youtube.

One should do their own research and make a prudent purchase, and that's the way to go...

Full upvote. Some of the better material I've seen on steemit in the last 4 months. Well done !!

Of course that is a low bar to jump over. But Doug made the leap - so well done again sir.

Being a millennial myself I feel as though my generation amongst others are completely fooled by these tag lines. Speaking from personal experience, finance and investing was never something to speak about or taught in the traditional classroom. That ignorance coupled with the need for instant gratification is setting up these markets with a ton of dumb money. Good for some but extremely risky and terrible for others. Diligence seems unfamiliar to many and I hope luck is on their side.

No shortage of bad info and motives with many crypto news videos

when are you going to drop your favorite coins to hold for ever except bitcoin and all the top 10 coins fuck it top 50

Doug Polk is just what Steemit has been needing. This is pure quality content!

Great job Doug. You will soon be invited on Tone Vays YouTube with Jimmy for exposing Scammers.

OMG this video was so funny. It really shows you we live in an era of instant experts and its kiiiiiiiiinda ........SCARY!! Haha. Keep em comin dude!

@dougpolkcrypto you are hilarious!!! upvoted for sure

Wth are you talking about I invested all my money on Dogecoin (irony)

one major benefit you get as a steemian is you can advance your knowledge on whatever field....there are always more and advance teaching( knowledge is not restricted to a person alone). you also have the opportunity to be a blessing to the world through sharing of your knowledge like as you did in this video. and finally, you get paid for everything. is not it beautiful. wecome to steemit and we the community say we need more video of this kind.....i have upvote and also follow you.

hahaha i too have no idea what i am doing here. i am starting with knowing what cryptocurrency means

I like the way you analyze the people ... I agree that they play a fidgety game ... it's better to rely on their own analyzes, it's not that difficult either

This is good analysis. You have highlighted some of the technical positions to stand before making choices about which cryptocurrency to invest in. Those guys have the ideas but they have associated them with gambling!!!!.
How about those who are biased about gambling of course they wont take such advise from these guys.
Aaaah... for the scammers, you have explained how they get peoples attention!!!!

Thanks #dougpolkcrypto this is helpful.

I must follow this cryptoGTOexpert!

I'd never heard of you before you joined steemit, but have been retroactively enjoying your videos. Keep up the great work! You will do just fine here.

Doug, exceptional video & thumbs up to your editing. I’m new to Steemit as well and found your video entertaining and like others, watched it to the bitter end...was not disappointed. I’ll next subscribe to your YouTube channel...laugh and learn, great combo.

Beginner mistake, I ended up upvoting my own comment. As I didn’t know what the green chevron was about, I clicked on it to find out. Couldn’t believe my comment disappeared. So, off to FAQs.

shame on those youtubers.. they are so bad..

thanks for sharing dude

Thanks for the info, time to invest wisely.

A really fun video, thanks for the laughs!

Good video, you're pretty funny. Love the satire. This altcoin shit is definitely getting out of control. Should be fun!

hahahaha Excelent video

I like how your video is starting to change in nature to critique other cryptocurrency youtubers which gives you a large edge. Keep up the good work, love your humor!

His jokes are original.


Let us get rich together

Many surprises, good video, keep up the good 😀 Cryptos will bring this year.

TFW you've already taken those youtubers advice but you laugh anyway :))

thanks , thanks a lot @dougpolkcrypto 👍

The Best way and the most reliable one - find the gems (fundamentally strong projects which have strong team, a product in the mind to solve an important issue with high utility value). Ideally, it should have a reasonably deep moat vs. competitors. This is the recipie for success! Earlier or later the market will recongize the value of the project and will award you with immence profits. Real life example, RLC token (iExec) >+100% today! This pick was included in our portfolio yesterday and published here

Your style of video is very interesting. nice job.

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