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RE: Goldman Sachs On The Cryptocurrency Market

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

News like that do not rejoice me at all. The whole purpose of cryptocurrencies was to dissociate us from the bankers. But from what I see, Goldman Sachs with the rest of the bankers are now ready to dig in their claws and hammer the cryptos to the ground. They did that to gold and silver for the last 8 years, I'm afraid cryptos won't be any different. In fact, it will be much easier because of the lack of regulations in the cryptomarket.


This was inevitable. It is possible to trade between crypto- and fiat currencies. 99% of fiat capital is in the hands of 1% of the global population. Those people are heavily involved in the financial sector. Therefore is no point in rejoicing or cringing over this. The financial sector will always move towards opportunities for gain. So their entry into crypto is the only possible event while crypto is in fact on the rise.

The only thing I take from this piece is the fact that crypto can no longer be ignored or laughed away. It's here to stay, with fundamentals that outperform fiat on every level, given that technical limitations are only temporary.

at least you dare question the move, goldman sachs is no angel, more like a shark

check out my blog, I am writing extensively about this deception