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RE: Bitcoin Cash is Coming, What Will You Do?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, tell me this: Should I move my BTC if I store them on, or will I get the corresponding BitcoinCash amount even if I keep them on there? Also, I read something about Electrum officially not supporting the SegWit, so I don't know where to move them, if we assume I need to. Not much time left. Please help. Thank you! =)))

Sort: keeps your private keys. You need to send to a paper wallet, jaxx, or Kraken asap!

So if I had Bitcoins in - it's too late to do anything? I just lost opportunity to get Bitcoin Cash?

Yes. Sadly yes.

So basically Blockchain will have my part of Bitcoin Cash?

I think that's the jig...

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 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment