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RE: It's not too late to GET FREE CRYPTO ! 75 ATS tokens ICO just for signing up with an email (I've got 3,600 so far).. make that 3,750

Yes, questions... sorry about that :-) I usually comment on your posts and others, but are times when we rookies even the experienced ones need answers. I am sure that you are kind of tired to answer to the same questions. I will try to make some articles on my online blog with some of this rookie problems as i do with others things i share there, just to help others too.

I also didn't think you'd answer so quick and put the exodus ETH wallet address...

I did get the e-mails and even went on twitter. On facebook they disabled my account because i haven't sent my picture. And i will not send it. They became so crazy with this things... i have my personal fb but needed one for crypto world.

It seems that i will not have one... whatever. fb can disappear from my point of view. They ask too many information for nothing.

I'm a pc user so if exodus is not ok i will go to myetherwallet.

Well... i received my link for total ATS balance and the one for referral link.

I also did managed to make an wallet to myether and trying to understand it.

I bookmarked this page to check it later, it is almost 5 am now :-)

Thanks a lot for answering.