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RE: [dtube] Is It Worth Reinvesting Cryptocurrency Profits Into Stocks?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

I am currently using Hashflare.

Coinbase holds your bitcoin but it only increases in value with respect to your currency.

You have to do work or use your funds to make extra money beyond value increases. It is not quite like some investments where you put it in and don’t do anything with it.

First please get education in currency trading. You must understand how money works and how your currency is valued against other currencies. Look up forex exchange. If you do any bargain shopping, then you might start to understand how currency trading works. You buy when prices are low. You sell (some at least) when prices go up. You make a profit when you sell at high level.

Recently I purchased Ethereum with bitcoin I had in my balance. After going away for a few days and coming back I see that ETH value is up past what I put in with what I had in already. I could choose to sell and I’d have about $20, up from about $11. Or I can choose to keep it there and let it right more.