What is the Best Precious Metals / Crypto $ portfolio?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello, i'm just curious of what people think is the best ratio of precious metals (silver/gold) to cryptocurrencies, and what type of crypto's people are holding? I used to think that 85% metals, 15% crypto's was a good mix, but seeing how much crypto's are going up i'm thinking that i might need to increase that percentage of investment.


I've no Crypto currency's, I just don't trust them, nor have I gold because with a ratio of 75-1 gold is over valued .
Physical silver , I can't enough it and with this last price drop, it just gave me an opportunity to perchase 200 oz gladly . Crypto currency is a risk I'm just not willing to take as long as Silver is so undervalued I'll be gorging myself on it !

Just recently started buying silver since the price has been low from what I hear. I'm upset that I am late to the party on the precious metals.

i only started buying silver 3 months ago, and i thought the same thing that i was too late, but once you see your stack slowly increasing you realize that it's not too late.

I would add one note about passing on your digital assets. A precious metals broker should have good probate procedure, but cryptocurrency is really up to you to manage your keys and however you want to pass them on.