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RE: YouTube, DTube, Library Credits and why you should use the Brave Browser and reward both yourself and your favorite content creators.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago
  • Whining about SJW-ism is quite of a backfire in my case, and to be fair, is a little bit stupid, as well. Patreon is still a viable and reliable solution, and while I heard they banned some racist Trump-supporter, it's just collateral damage in my eyes. Depending on context, I'd also refuse giving platform to extremism.

  • LBRY rocks, I admit, but I really lack a sophisticated way of communication, like commenting on content, and stuff like that. Until that, I can't really start relying on it for other reasons than hosting.

  • Brave isn't super convenient. I can't use Gmail with that, has an extremely uncomfortable way of supporting extensions, and has a terrible UI-wise bug: I can't rearrange my bookmarks once set. And if I can't use my bookmarks, I won't use that given browser, that's it. So Brave needs time, too.