Today, the EOS whales in Asia have a good game of eating the weak

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Today, the EOS whales in Asia have a good game of eating the weak



A few hours ago in China, chainblock media out some bad news, the famous security company QIHU, nasdaq QIHU code, they found the big bug of EOS code, then blew up the market panic.

It is normal to have a bug in any software, but according to our position monitoring system, we find There is a skeleton in the closet behind it.The news came hours after Asian EOS whales began selling early, before the media released the negative news.

Panicked retail players sold out, and the market fell sharply.But throughout the fall, the capitalists who sold before the news came out started to increase their positions.

In the end, the retail players a lot of lose EOS token, and whales in the process to eat into the more EOS token, in my readers, those who has not heard the news, but escaped the attack, they firmly hold the EOS token, did not sell any EOS token.

Such thing as well as a few days ago, the media release the bad news, depress the market price, through the whales contrarian Token acquisition, these actions exposed in the volume of EOS, we found the position monitoring system exchange holdings rose a lot.

With EOS five days away from the main network, more bad news is likely to come out in the future.We have to admit that cryptocurrency markets are a dog-eat-dog world.

Warning: for the convenience of reading, the following contents are translated into multiple languages. The author does not guarantee the correct meaning. This post is based on the English version.





最终,散户玩家大量失去筹码,而鲸鱼在这个过程中吃进了更多的EOS token,在我的读者中,那些未听到的消息的人,反而逃过了这次打击,他们坚定的持有了EOS token,并未卖出任何一枚COIN。



오늘 아시아의 EOS 고래들은 약육강식의 좋은 영화를 선보였다.

몇 시간 전 중국 전역에 있던 중국 전역에서 일부 언론은 악재 가 터 져나 왔다. 유명 한 보안 회사 QIHU,나 스 닥 코드인 QIHU는 EOS 코드의 중대 한 실수를 발견 해 시장을 뒤흔들었다.

코드 가 바 뀐 것은 정상적인 일이었지만, 우리 부서의 창고 감시 시스템에 따르면, 단순 한 코드인 bug, 뒤에는 은밀 한 비밀이 숨어 있는 것으로 드러 났다.소식이 전해 진 지난 몇 시간 동안 아시아의 EOS 고래들은 일찌감치 투매를 시작 했고,이들의 투매 가 끝 난 뒤 에야 언론이이 같은 부정적인 소식을 전 했다.

공포에 질려 버린 개인 투자자들이 잇달아 팔아, 시장이 급락세를 보였다.하지만 전반적인 하락 과정에서이 소식이 발표 되기 전에 매물로나 온 자본가들은 오히려 창고를 채 워 넣었다.

결국 개미는 엄청 난 카드를 잃었고, 고래는이 과정에서 더 많은 EOS token을 먹었고,나의 독자 중에는 듣지 못 했던 소식을들은 사람이 오히려 충격을 받았고,이들은 또 하나의 코인을 팔지 않고 있었다.

이번 작전은 며칠 전처럼 언론이 악재를 풀어 시장 가격을 제압하는 등 시장 가격을 억제하는 등이들의 움직임이 EOS의 거래량에서 드러 났다. 우리는이 같은 움직임이 거래소 시장의 대량 상승으로 이어지고 있 음을 보여 준다.

EOS는 인터넷 홈페이지에서 5일 앞으로다가 오고 있 으며 앞으로 더 많은 부정적인 소식이나 올 것으로 예상 된다.카밀 화폐 시장이 약육강식의 세계 라는 점을 인정 하지 않을 수 없다.


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Luca Croce@Italy Graduated from University of Bologna
IT engineer,Block chain technician


If we will compare both btc at eth, eth demand and transactions were higher compared to btc and this somehow gives us a hint that many were using eth than btc

These things make us mature, which is inevitable. Hold our EOS token and don't listen to any rumors.Because EOS will change the world.

We are the strongest fans of EOS!

I never trust the media, but we don't have a good way. :(

That's the meaning of my existence,we have some real news for you.

it is sad story

Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise

I've been diddled!

yes,some airdrop is junk.

The reality is so cruel

yes,but we still love the world :)

I'm sad

take it easy,you will be rich. :)

they are so bad

They will be rewarded and the poor will unite

Oh, my god, that's why the market crashed

But we got the message too late, and they were gone

This is really a bad news, but I didn't hear it

Sleep is the best defense against most false news,ahahaha!

aha,It's really like a movie.

Reality is better than fiction :)

You're right. The free market is so cruel

Freedom brings limitless possibilities, and if you are strong enough, free markets are equally fair to you

I think I can understand President trump now, because the media is a shitter

Most of all, we hate the media, but we can't leave it :(

The moral standards of the media are low

Draw water to one's mill! :(

Obviously, these media have been bought off by money

Yes,we want to buy the media, but we are not rich.hahahahahahaha

The free market also represents freedom of information, which is a double-edged sword. How should we learn to use it

The best thing is to become rich and let them serve us

Despite their slow pace of news, the private media are clearly more ethical

No one paid me off, that's my big reason :)

And the best way to do that is other way.

Don't sell is the best strategy.

Capital controls the world, and the media are their accomplices

Yes, that's the media

We condemn such conduct, but there is nothing we can do. :(

It's their conspiracy. It's hard to predict.

It's really hard to make money because we're at the bottom of the heap

If we redouble our efforts, we will succeed

The poor should unite because this is their only way out, Just hold EOS!

This is the resistance of the proletariat !Just HODL!

Any news today? I'm a little worried, but I'm not going to sell the EOS, like we love Steemit

Go to sleep. It's the safest way

How did you get the news, and I want to be as good as you are

I have some Chinese friends who will give me Asia news.

We're used to it

Prolonged illness makes a doctor of a patient!

Falling down, falling down. I hate it

But your EOS token haven't gone down,so take it easy.

I can't trust the media any more, including the sanctimonious

It's our only way to see the media and see if it's true or false

The night before the line is not much.

We have detected that only 10,000 people have done the claim.