Thoughts on the bear market...

I’ve been passionate about cryptocurrency since January 2013. I think the reason this bear market hasn’t been too stressful for me is I already made my decision. I sold my fiat business to my biz partner to work in the blockchain industry full time. I’m all in.

Fiat denominations of cryptocurrency are volatile and fun to watch, but I’m more excited about actually helping move the space forward with my involvement in Steem, EOS, eosDAC, and now FIO. I’m too ideologically invested in what I see as the future to worry about price today.

Previous bear markets had me stressing a little because I still hadn’t made my decision. I was insecure about the future of programmable money and global, non-violent consensus. I’m not anymore. To me, the future seems inevitable, and I’m in the right place doing the right thing.

(Posted with Vapor, available for iOS and Android)


Exactly. Fiat denominations won't mean anything one day. Once economies are built here, it's easy. I think you'd like the progress being made over at Homesteaders Co-op. It's one such economy where folks can buy sustainable goods direct with steem and SBD using SteemConnect integration. A big step that will make it easier for folks to believe in crypto. There needs to be more like it.

Very cool! I like it. :)

No doubt that blockchain technology has a future given the capital behind it all. Just need to see the market weed itself out for the next cycle. Vapor? Need to check it out!

Posted using Partiko iOS

✅ Enjoy the vote! For more amazing content, please follow @themadcurator!

When you take out the "price" and look at how else crypto/blockchain can be valuable.. It is as obvious as moving from seashells to gold & silver in the past.

never heard of vapor before.