ApolloChain (A smart contract-based disintermediary energy platform)

Aроllосhаin New Energy Trаding Plаtfоrm
As аn innovative tооl, blосkсhаin tесhnоlоgу intrinѕiсаllу mаtсhеѕ distributed еnеrgу within a deregulated energy market. Following thе рrоgrеѕѕing power reform аnd thе grоwinglу ореnеd роwеr rеtаil mаrkеt, diѕtributеd generation, аѕ a fast developing ѕесtоr, mаkеѕ the dеmаnd side uѕеrѕ роѕѕеѕѕ bоth generator and соnѕumеr identities with deep engagement in thiѕ induѕtriаl reform.
The basic structure оf Aроllосhаin trading рlаtfоrm thаt contains transaction layer, еxtеndеd lауеr аnd blосkсhаin lауеr. Renewable еnеrgу ѕуѕtеm iѕ the principle of the trаnѕасtiоn lауеr, whilе the trading раrtiеѕ contain роwеr gеnеrаtоrѕ, роwеr grid, diѕtributеd power ѕtаtiоn, “ѕmаrt hоmе” (household uѕеrѕ аѕ wеll аѕ еnеrgу gеnеrаtоr) аnd other rеnеwаblе еnеrgу holders. Eасh party initiаtеѕ аnd terminates itѕ еnеrgу transactions аt thiѕ layer, then аll thе relative dаtа iѕ dеlivеrеd tо thе еxtеndеd lауеr fоrming smart соntrасtѕ аnd eventually bеing stored in thе blockchain lауеr.

Welcome to the smart contract-based disintermediation trading platform.

Our goal is to make power consumption not boring and to spend more: you can play with it on our platform through commercial / crowd / real time sales . We will start with solar energy first, so family members and even some institutional players can easily get involved in this fun ecosystem.

In the future, we also have a variety of plans for power consumption that will enable participants to invest in shared electronic chargers and UAVs built on their premises and earn steady profits. from the public as well as express or logistics companies.

What value can Apollochain produce?

Based on Apollochain, users can participate in all aspects of clean energy investment, construction, manufacturing, transportation, sales and consumption, so that they can share the dividends of the development of the industry. clean energy industry.

Users can predict investment income of power plants and participate in investment and construction by participating in mobilizing capital from the community;

Users can use smart meters to understand their family's electricity consumption and their electricity usage forecasts;

Users can build their own power plants and buy all the materials needed to build power plants on the ground and sell electricity on the Apollochain platform;

Users can install smart clock and buy power on the Apollochain platform;

Users can benefit from automatic payments and charging by charging piles through Apollochain

Users can benefit from automatic payments and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) charging via Apollochain

ApolloChain as an immediate go-between

By 2017, global electricity generated by new energy has occupied almost 50% of total power plants. Most countries are funding clean energy to address carbon emissions & global warming, and the sun is increasingly important. Around the undeveloped $ 5.300 billion Market shows a very exciting future.

Smart contracts with multiple encryption mechanisms protect the power consumers from malicious data collection or information theft. Attacking a single, unassailable power plant for all networks thanks to a distributed operating system, decentralized structure, and blockchain 3.0 technology. The information is well guaranted as well as the security is greatly promoted.

The cost of solar power plants has decreased further because of competition among equipment manufacturers: 18% measurable global energy cost reductions (LCOE) are realized in 2016 during 2015. Meanwhile, the price of electricity for photovoltaic (PV) power is similar to conventional, Higher PV competitiveness means sustained investment decline.

Future Five-Year Plan.

Complete the smart meter technique
Launches the First Microgrid Project in Australia
Access PV power plant data and start APP Testing

Installation of smart meter pilot
Test transactions for Microgrid project
Launches APOLLO Energy Trading Platform and achieves the first electric transaction on the mainet between the station owner's PV power and electricity consumers.

Expansion and API development
Online Business Reseller Energy Unit
Start carbon trading pilot project

Microgrid's project promotion extensively in Indonesia Australia and Southeast Asia
Globally build retail electricity network
Broad-based governmental cooperation on demand-side power management in areas where APOLLO has presence and operation

Achieve real-time residential power transactions in the global wholesale market
Develop EV charging heap & UAV charging heliport with AI technology and connect to Apollochain.

Apollochain has outstanding partners

The Skycoin platform is the world's most sophisticated blockchain application ecosystem. Developed by early contributors to Bitcoin and Ethereum, the Skycoin platform is completely secure, unlimited, and ISP independent. Powered by bandwidth, storage, and computing power, Skycoin is built to fulfill Satoshi's original vision.


Token ApolloChain designed as a token compatible ERC20 on the platform Ethereum and take advantage of blocking technology. The Target audience ApolloChain is an airline, a travel agency that is a market leader, as well as online stores all over the world. With advantages like that, ApolloChain, based on blocking technology advanced, safe and effective, will be master billion dollars in the world market.

Apollochain will facilitate avoid and management the on top of risks, guaranteeing lowest losses and danger within the network, distributing measurements and implementing peer-to-peer knowledge accuracy checking. interferenceproperties make sure that knowledge can’t be falsified and guarantee a secure and clear method of energy commerce. They conjointly give safe and economical add small networks in an exceedingly localized market and support period of time energy trade.

The Project Team ApolloChain

For more information, please visit links below
Website :http://www.apollochain.io/
Whitepaper: https://downloads.apollochain.io/docs/WhitePaper(Technical+Version)-v2.0.4-5th+May.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apollochain/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apollochain
Telegram: https://t.me/apollochaingroup

Author : Gendutbanget
My Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1876140