JIBBIT - An Ecosystem for The World of Cannabis

Jibbit makes an environment system to interface the worldwide cannabis community with the crypto world (200m +). A world to influence the cannabis to showcase totally independent of the financial framework and its influences. By making utilization of the Blockchain technology, They exhibit the estimation of this progressive development of the crypto-community and how they can improve the world a bit.
The objective of Jibbit is to associate the quickly developing cannabis industry with the crypto world and to make the advantages of blockchain technology open. It should make payment with digital currencies on an around the world premise reasonable for everyday use. Furthermore, Jibbit GmbH is cooperating with accomplices on promoting blockchain based solution in the territory of payment and healthcare, fundamentally to advance the utilization of digital forms of cryptocurrency. The spotlight is likewise put on the Jibbit token, so as to grapple it solidly in the crypto world and to give it a supporting part.
The individuals who pay in the Jibbit®Marketplace with Jibbit tokens in a roundabout way advantage from a discount. The seller pays a discount sale commission to the Jibbit ecosystem. The reserve funds made by the seller are deducted specifically from the receipt add up to the client. Another component are uncommon offers, which Jibbit distribute together with merchants. These just appear to customers who utilize a wallet with Jibbit tokens on their platform. This makes the Jibbit token more alluring to clients and makes it the favored methods for payment on their stage. The organizations can make instinctively outlined backend programming, a shop with their own items also, costs. Enrollment and listing of items for organizations is totally free of charge. Clients are likewise allowed to enroll. Thanks to their smart contract interface, shop proprietor can import their item run into the Jibbit framework with only a couple of clicks. Jibbit just collects a little sale commission from sale. A conveyance with high-edge items by Jibbit is likewise arranged.

These days there are different commercial centers for electronics, books, and outfitting things thus considerably more. Be that as it may, there is no answer for the cannabis market, which joins numerous shops and merchants on one stage and offers the likelihood to pay with cryptography form of money. Touchy exchange information emerging from the demand of cannabis items is an issue for some clients. Because of the gigantic increment sought after for cannabis and accessories, there are expanding supply bottlenecks in singular web shops, with the outcome that you need to search for alternative source of supply.
Jibbit ecosystem allows and promotes payment with crypto-currencies
Digital doctors consultation hours and delivery of pharmacies give patients the necessary anonymity
The transparency of the blockchain, means only confirmed purchases have a financial value
Our portal allows only authorized dealers with controlled cannabis cultivation.
The Jibbit Marketplace platform increases customer choice and availability worldwide

Jibbit is working on several software solutions for the cannabis market, with three main sectors.

The JIBBIT marketplace: This platform is creating a marketplace using blockchain technology for cannabis accessories. This marketplace is providing accessories shop for patients, consumers, and growers in one place. This platform is implementing blockchain technology to confirm faster, cheaper and secure payments in the JIBBIT marketplace. The JIBBIT marketplace’s payment system will be occurring by JIBBIT coin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, USD, and EUR. The JIBBIT marketplace will be giving a discount as well as special offers for JIBBIT players.

The JIBBIT runner: This platform is giving cannabis delivery service with the help of the JIBBIT runner facilities. Any user of this platform can order cannabis from home like a pizza order. The user can order cannabis by huge selection and controlled origin of authorized dealers. This platform’s cannabis delivery service payment can be occurred by JIBBIT coin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, USD, and EUR. The JIBBITrunner will be giving a discount as well as special offers for JIBBIT players.

JIBBIT doc: This platform is creating a network for the patient, physicians, and pharmacist. This platform is giving more anonymity and more security in the JIBBIT doc platform. This platform is giving blockchain technology-based solution for the medical sector and making an example by making tamper proof. The JIBBIT doc platform’s payment can be occurred by the JIBBIT coin. The website link for this platform is https://jibbit.io/.

The token sale will take place on www.jibbit.io and is expected to start on June 1st 2018. It will end either on reaching the hard cap* limit of approximately 18 million USD or at the latest on August 31st, 2018.
Token Name = Jibbit
Symbol = JIB
Country = Germany
Platform = Ethereum/ERC20
Token Total = 700,000,000
Token for Sale = 420,000,000
Price per Jibbit Token = 0.05 USD
Soft Cap = 1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap = 18,000,000 USD
KYC = Yes
Restrictions = USA, Canada, The People’s Republic of China
Bounty = Yes


This platform has created their token to sale in the ICO for the public interest. They token symbol is the JIB. They created total 700, 000, 000 JIB tokens. These tokens are utility token and ERC 20 standard in the Ethereum blockchain platform. They will distribute all token that they created as flows:

• The private sale of the platform will be distributed by 10% of the total tokens.
• The pre-sale of the platform will be distributed by 10% of the total tokens.
• The main sale of the platform will be distributed by 40% of the total tokens. The main sale will occur in four phase. Every phase will get 10% of the total tokens each.
• This platform will distribute 5% of the total token for bounty and airdrop.
• The development, marketing and legal will be distributed by 20% of the total tokens.
• The advisor and team will get 10% of the total tokens.
• The founder and reserves of this platform will be distributed by 5% of the total token. These distributed tokens will be locked for 1 year.


Creators of this startup very much are suitable for the project, having wide experience in this sphere they will be able to affect significantly the fate of the idea to the best.

Here I list not all members of the team, you will be able to study the complete list here.

Herman Kutzer – PR the manager. The chief financial journalist in Germany since 1969. Has extensive experience in the sphere of finance and also good communications with many top traders and financiers.

Christian Winkens – Chief technologist. Specializes in assessment of data of the sensor, off-line control by cars and also in profound training. The web of portals has experience in creation and also the blockchain has 3-year-old experience in the sphere.

Alexander Preis – Main business developer. Is a cofounder of this project and the cryptoenthusiast. Has experience on financial wounds more than 10 years. More than 4 years works in the sphere of blockchain.

The ultimate goal of the Jibbit platform is to become the world’s first decentralized platform to introduce the cannabis community with the crypto world and assure the best delivery services to the furthest corner around the world with the blessings of the internet and a mature blockchain technology. The Jibbit blockchain network already connects millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices based on their apps. This platform is combined with multiple technologies and tools like IoT, blockchain technology, smart contracts, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and more. You will able to order products and services by using their apps or web from your own residence and able to complete the payments with both fiat and cryptocurrencies from your wallet. This platform allows everyone to take participate in their community through obtaining their tokens from the token sale events. The token sale is live now and it will be taken place for a limited period. You will also able to obtain Jibbit token at free of costs by taking part in their bounty campaigns. This is the right time for investing in the Jibbit platform.

For more information, please follow the links below.
• Company Website: https://jibbit.io/
• Twitter Pages: https://twitter.com/jibbitico/
• Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/Jibbit-1196046843831431/
• Bitcointalk ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4315020.0
• Medium Blog Link: https://medium.com/@contact_75450
• Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/jibbitico/
• Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMa1BtqrJLn6446tLn79qA
• Github Profile Link: https://github.com/JibbitGmbH
• Whitepaper Link: https://jibbit.io/whitepaper
• Telegram Group: https://t.me/jibbitico
• Reddit Profile Link: https://www.reddit.com/user/JibbitICO/

• BitcoinTalk User Name: Gendutbanget
• BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1876140


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